Supersize My Trackable – The Biggest of BIG (and weird) Trackables

What’s made of cement, has six legs, and Shrek’s face? 

You know you’re a geocacher if you answered, “Probably a trackable.” And you’d be right.



There’s something very special about a person who attaches Shrek ears and children’s shoes to a cinder block and tasks others with carrying that object from place to place. We like to think that special drive is what makes a geocacher a geocacher.

The willingness to be a little unusual, a little conspicuous, and sometimes downright weird seems to be common to geocachers. It’s an element that surfaces particularly with trackables. If you’re new to the game, a trackable is a game piece with a unique number. It commonly looks like a dog tag. These trackables are attached to hitchhikers (objects of various sorts), like the giant ones you’re about to see.

At some point, everyone—from the trackable obsessed to the fair-weather trackable logger—has gazed at a trackable and thought the following:

Ball of Yarn

How am I going to move this [loose ball of yarn]?



Where can I get one of these [humongous metal Travel Bug tags]?




There is no chance we’re going to be taking this [instrument of extreme noise].



Teddy bear

I’m taking a picture with a giant [teddy bear].



Car door

Where is the rest of [the vehicle to which this door was once attached]?


Why do trackables tend to be so weird? Because the world of trackables is so wide and has few limits to what can be made trackable, they are geocaching’s most widespread form of self-expression. Trackables tell stories about who we are and where we’re from. They travel the world when we can’t. They bring joy to people we’ll never meet.

But where to put the oversized, hilarious trackables you find? Check out these BIG caches and see if there’s one near you.


What’s the biggest, weirdest trackable you’ve ever moved?



Alex is a Community Volunteer Support Coordinator at Geocaching HQ. When things get crazy, she sends in the big puns.