Old grain store Mystery Cache
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Vanha kruununmakasiini / Gamla kronomagasinet
This mystery is about grain storing.
Actually, there is no mystery, if you know the local history. On the other hand, you can also find the cache by locating one photograph and then doing some chess board math without knowing anything about history.
Solution for history experts
The cache is at the old grain store which was built at the end of 18th century. You'll find the cache at the north corner of this big old building. Just go and log.
An alternative solution
An alternative solution includes finding a place where a photograph has been taken and then doing some chess board math.
Locate the co-ordinates where the crow has been photographed. My camera might have distorted the scenery, but you should still be able to find the place. Your inaccuracy of this start point can be up to 28 metres and you will still be able easily find the final location and the Geochecker will also accept such inaccuracy for the final location.
You may have heard the story of an old wise man, who had invented chess and was introducing his new game to the king. The king was very pleased and offered the old wise man anything he wanted. As reward the man asked for some grains of corn; One grain on the first square of the chess board, two grains on the second square, four on the third square and doubling and doubling until all the 64 squares would have been filled with grains. The king said of course you shall have this, privately thinking to himself that perhaps this wise man wasn't so wise after all, for this was surely a small reward.
Actually the reward was impossible to fulfill, because that amount of corn would equal about 10000 times the annual harvest of all the crops in the whole world today.
In this grain store mystery you need to count the number of grains to fill only the first 39 squares of the chess board. That amount already equals to about 500 000 tons, which is more than the annual consumption by people in Finland.
In this picture you see how it takes 31 grains to fill up the first five squares. The white king is standing at the 39th square.
If your result for the total number of grains would be 876 543 210,
the last five digits are then 43210 and thus A= 4, B=3, C=2, D=1, E=0.
Thus C-D=1 and A+D=5.
Offset from the photographer would then be 1.546 minutes to south and
offset to east would be 0.154 minutes.
You can check the co-ordinates here.
Additional Hints
abegu-rnfg jnyy, 2.4 zrgerf sebz gur abegu pbeare