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Zbojnicky poklad - Zavadske jaskyne Mystery Cache

Hidden : 7/21/2011
5 out of 5
5 out of 5

Size: Size:   large (large)

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Geocache Description:

Pozor, cache nie je na uvedenych suradniciach !

Tato cache je urcena pre otrlejsich cacherov. Dovodom pre jej zaradenie do kategorie mystery a urcenie obtiaznosti 5 je ulozenie cache hlboko vo vnutri jaskyne, kde nefunguje GPS a ku krabicke je v samotnej jaskyni dost narocny pristup (inak by bola tradicna, obtiaznost 3). Vychodiskovym bodom pre jej odlov je obec Horny Mostenec, alternativne moze byt aj obec Zemianska Zavada. Doporucujem pri odlove tejto cache vykonat aj prehliadku Velkej Zavadskej jaskyne (WP 06).

UPOZORNENIE ! Odlov tejto cache je na vlastne riziko. Owner skryse nenesie ziadnu zodpovednost za ujmu na zdravi alebo na majetku. Neusilujte sa ziskat kazdy bod, dobre zvazte svoje moznosti! Na odlov tejto cache je nevyhnutne mat so sebou dobru baterku-celovku a hlavne silny moral :-). Kedze sa budete musiet aj plazit, pocitajte s tym, ze sa poriadne zaspinite (my sme si zobrali nahradne stare gate a mikiny). Kto sa chce vyhnut neistote pri orientacii v jaskyni, nech si vezme aj cca 25 m dlhy spagat resp. snuru. Ja som absolvoval prehliadky oboch jaskyn so synom ked mal 5 rokov (je ale dost otrly cacher :-) ). V ziadnom pripade neodporucam solo odlov bez partaka. V lokalite sa pohybuje podla slov polovnikov aj medved, tak pre istotu robte cestou ku jaskyniam hluk (ak by aj bol nahodou nablizku, vyhne sa vam! ... verim ... ;-) ).

Zakladne udaje o Zavadskych jaskyniach

Zavadske jaskyne 1 Zavadske jaskyne sa nachadzaju v juznej casti Sulovskych vrchov, JV od obce Horny Mostenec a Z od obce Zemianska Zavada, na zapadnom svahu vrchu Skalie (714 m). Patria do katastralneho uzemia obce Horny Mostenec.
Velka Zavadska jaskyna (Velka temna jaskyna, 607 m n. m.) s malym vstupnym otvorom dosahuje dlzku 100 m. Jej hlavna chodba sa vytvorila pozdlz vyraznej tektonickej poruchy. Mala Zavadska jaskyna (Mala temna jaskyna, 602 m n. m.) s velkym vstupnym otvorom , dlha 45 m je takisto vytvorena pozdlz vyraznych tektonickych poruch. Miestami vidiet zrutene bloky zlepencov. Zo sintrovych vyplni sa vytvorili stalagmity, sintrove nateky na stenach, ako aj kratke stalaktity ci sintrove jazierka.
Zavadske jaskyne 4 Velka i Mala Zavadska jaskyna predstavuju horizontalne jaskyne asi 80 m nad dnom Temnej dolinky. Scasti sa skladaju z lomenych chodieb, ktore menia smer. Zavadske jaskyne predstavuju pozoruhodne klastokrasove geomorfologicke javy na Slovensku, vytvorene v karbonatickych zlepencoch. Velka Zavadska jaskyna je nasou najdlhsou jaskynou tohto typu.
Viac info na

Zavadske jaskyne 2 Zavadske jaskyne 3 Zavadske jaskyne 3

Teraz ku cache:

Tento vymysleny pribeh opisuje pristup ku Malej Zavadskej jaskyni pomocou WP. V jeho zavere je opis trasy postupu v samotnej jaskyni ku cache. Na ulahcenie odlovu su pripojene fotohiny 1 a 2. Zvazte vsak nevyhnutnost ich pouzitia, ak si chcete vychutnat skutocnu narocnost odlovu cache.

Zbojnik Bonifac pochadzal z piratskej rodiny z Omisu. Lupil ale v celom Rakusko-Uhorsku a unikal pred drabmi s ulupenym pokladom, so svojim malym kumpanom prezyvanym Klucik. V tomto hornatom kraji sa zastavili pod kostolikom, aby si na chvilku oddychli. Bonifac premyslal, ako vysoko moze byt toto miesto nad jeho milovanym morom. Tu si nechali svoje tatose a dalej sa uz len peso ponahlali cestou necestou do hor. Na krizovatke pri krizi odbocili do lava, v sedielku pri stlpe zasa do prava na juhovychod pod azimutom 145. Na krizovatke v lese sa vybrali cestou na vychod pod azimutom 70 a na konci temnej dolinky sa rozhodoli, ze uz nebudu posluchat tu oranzovu sipku a vybrali sa cestou do kopca. Po chvili sa ocitli pod skalou s dierami. Pri jednej z dier s velkym otvorom sa zastavili. Toto je miesto ako stvorene na ukrytie pokladu, povedal Bonifac a zakreslil si miesto, aby mu to pomohlo v buducnosti poklad najst, ak by si nevedel poradit. Truhlicu s pokladom zamkol, kluc dal prehltnut svojmu kumpanovi ktoreho nechal vonku strazit a sam sa vybral poklad ukryt. Za velkym vstupom do diery sa po par metroch musel preplazit uzuckou medzerou, za ktorou bola kratka velka chodba. On sa vsak vybral hned do prava, kamenmi zdobenou, uzsou chodbickou. Asi po 30 metroch prisiel na jej koniec. Tam ho na stene v pravo zaujal akoby vodopad z bielej skaly, ktory mu pripomenul jeden podobný, nad morom v jeho rodnom meste . Postavil sa tvarou oproti vodopadu a na lavo od neho vykopal do zeme nevelku dieru. Ulozil tam poklad a prikryl ho kamenom. Cestou naspat zbojnik Bonifac asi niekde zabludil lebo uz nikdy nevysiel z tej diery von. Jeho kumpan Klucik vsak dodnes v sebe ukryva tajomstvo - kluc ku pokladu a schovava sa v malej diere, asi 2 metre nad zemou v lavo od velkej diery, tam kde ho Bonifac volakedy nechal strazit . Ak by vam z akychkolvek dovodov Klucik svoje tajomstvo nevydal, najdete ho zasifrovane v tomto pribehu.


Ulozte prosim po zalogovani krabicky na tie iste miesta, tak ako ich Bonifac zanechal a dbajte na dostatocne maskovanie (do jaskyne nechodia len geocacheri). Happy caching.

Note, that the cache outside the coordinates!

This cache is designed for angor-resistant cacher. The reason for category of mystery determining difficulty 5 is to store the cache deep inside a cave, where GPS does not work and the box is in the cave itself quite difficult access (otherwise it would be traditional, difficulty 3). The starting point for the capture of the village of Horny Moštenec, alternative could be the village Zemianska Zavada. I recommend to catch this tour and perform cache Great Zavadska Cave (WP 06).

WARNING! The catch of this cache is at your own risk. Cache Owner accepts no responsibility for injuries or property. Do not make effort to get each point, well, consider your options! To catch this cache is necessary to have a good flashlight with you and especially strong moral :-). As you also have to crawl, be shure that zou will the really dirty (we have taken to replace the old pants and sweatshirts). Who wants to avoid uncertainty the orientation of the cave, and let them take about 25 m debts or string. I take a tour of both cave with my son when he was 5 years (but is universal resistant cacher :-) ). I not recommended at any solo without catching partner. location in the moves in the words of the Bear Hunters, do so for sure the way to the caves of noise (even if it happened to be nearby, avoiding you! ... I believe ... :-) ).

Basic data on the Zavada caves

Zavada caves are located in the southern part Súlov Hills, southeast of the village Horny Moštenec west Zemianska Zavada of the village, on the west slope Skalie (714 m). Belong to the cadastral territory of Horny Moštenec. Great Zavadska Cave (Great dark cave, 607 m asl) with a small hole entrance a length of 100 m. Its main hall was constructed along the strong tectonic disturbances. Small Zavadska Cave (small dark cave, 602 m asl) with a large hole entrance, 45 m long, it is also formed along distinct tectonic faults. Place to see blocks of crumbling conglomerate. Of calcite fillings to create stalagmites, flowstone flows on the walls, as well as stalactites and flowstone short pools. Large and small caves are horizontal Zavadski cave about 80 m above the bottom of the Dark valleys. Some are composed of angular passageways that change direction. Zavadska caves are remarkable geomorphological phenomena klastokrase Slovakia, formed in the carboniferous conglomerates. Great Zavadska cave is our longest cave of this type. More info at:

Now the cache:

This fictional story describes using WP small Zavadska access to the cave. In his conclusion is a description of the process route in the cave itself to the cache. For easier catches its atached fotohint 1 and 2 . Consider, however, the need for its use, if you want to enjoy real difficulty catch cache.

Bandit Boniface came from a pirate family from Omis. Robbed but throughout Austria-Hungary and escaped before the purler carying robbed treasure, with its small homies nicknamed Sprit. In this mountainous region to stop the churches to take a moment to relax. Boniface wondering how high it may be the site of his beloved sea. You let your steed and further only on foot rushed whatever way into the mountains. At the crossroads of the wayside cross they turned to the left, in the water gap near pole column to the right turn to the southeast azimuth 145th. At the crossroads in the forest went the way to the East bearing 70 and at the end of the dark valleys results that it will not obey the yellow arrow and choose the path uphill. After a while, found themselves under a rock with several holes. When one of the holes with large holes entrance were stopped. This place is ideal for hidden treasures, said Boniface and plotted the location to help it find a treasure in the future. Treasure chest locks, key gave eat his homies out there who left guard and himself chose to hidden treasure. The large entrance to the hole after a few meters had crawl crevice, which had only recently the great hall. But he chose just to the right, decorated with stones, narrow corridor. After about 30 meters, came to its end. There he was on the wall to the right took like waterfall of white rocks that reminded him of a similar, over the sea in his hometown. He stood over the shape of the waterfall and to the left of him, dug a small hole in the ground. Save treasure there and covered it with stones. Bandit Bonifac way back around somewhere because he would never err transmitting from the hole out. His small homies Sprit but still conceals the key to the treasure and hide in a small hole about 2 meters above the ground, left from big hole, where it had once Bonifac guards. If you for whatever reason has not Sprit their secrets, you can find it encrypted in this story.

!!! In the catches careful not to damage the Decoration of cave. 1 cm3 grows to about 150 years !!!

Please save the login box at the same place as it left Boniface and make sure the masking is sufficient (do not go into the cave only geocachers). Happy caching.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)


Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)