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Travel Bug Dog Tag The damned Rubikscube

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Age 3111 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
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Current Goal

Aktuelles Ziel / current goal: Pasadena (California/USA)



About This Item

Der Würfel vor seiner großen Reise

Jeder kennt wohl diesen Zauberwürfel. Viele Generationen haben schon erfolglos versucht ihn zu lösen. Darum macht er sich jetzt auf nach Pasadena (Kalifornien/USA) um dort den berühmten Dr. Sheldon Cooper zu treffen und von ihm gelöst zu werden und dann wieder nach Deutschland zurückzukehren. Auf dem Weg möchte er viele schöne Orte sehen und nette Menschen kennenlernen. Er freut sich darauf diese Erlebnisse in der Galerie festzuhalten.

Hinweis: Wer ihn löst darf gerne ein Bild davon hochladen und bekommt dafür einen virtuellen High Five, jedoch bitte ich darum, dass er wieder verdreht wird bevor er in den nächsten Cache gelegt wird.


Everyone knows this Rubikscube. Many generations have tried to solve him, but without succsess. That's why he travells to Pasadena (California/USA), to meet the famous Dr. Sheldon Coope, to get solved by him and then send back to Germany. On his way he likes to see a lot of interesting places and meet friendly people. He's looking forward to se his adventures in the galerie.

Note: You may solve him and post a picture in the galerie and you'll get a virtual high five, but please twist him again if you put him in the next cache.


Gallery Images related to The damned Rubikscube

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Tracking History (7294.5mi) View Map

Mark Missing 8/15/2016 Mon"rose" marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Dropped Off 11/15/2015 leymas placed it in Rose's Travel Bug Bed and Breakfast Iowa - 145.85 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 11/13/2015 leymas retrieved it from The BIG Barn Iowa   Visit Log

In my hands now. I'll keep it safe and move it when I can.

Dropped Off 10/19/2015 Solomon Grundy placed it in The BIG Barn Iowa - 139.4 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 9/17/2015 Solomon Grundy retrieved it from Cachem Inn Minnesota   Visit Log

I'll move this lil cube down the road. Thanks!

Dropped Off 9/13/2015 RadioFlashers placed it in Cachem Inn Minnesota - 142.33 miles  Visit Log

Signed log, took light, left jewel and "The damned Rubikscube"! Hoping this truck stop helps get it closer to its CA goal!! Thanks for the fun!

Retrieve It from a Cache 9/5/2015 RadioFlashers retrieved it from DO NOT DISTURB Iowa   Visit Log

Our very 1st day of Geocaching and very 1st Travel Bug Found! We plan to take it traveling soon!! Thank you!

Dropped Off 9/2/2015 captainj placed it in DO NOT DISTURB Iowa - 22.41 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/1/2015 captainj took it to Tomfoolery Iowa - 18.52 miles  Visit Log
Write note 8/31/2015 Age 3111 posted a note for it   Visit Log

That's amazing =D
I love your freedom in the license plate. I hope we could have something here in Germany :)

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