Iconic Gadgetcache – Geocache of the Week
Who doesn’t love a good gadget cache?
From latches to levers and all manner of gizmos, gadget caches challenge even the most clever geocacher to solve the puzzle and earn the smiley.
Simply put, gadget caches are geocaches with a physical puzzle geocachers must solve to access the logbook.
If you encountered an Olivandy gadget cache before, you already know you’re in for a head-scratching good time. Their creative designs have earned this father/son duo more than 400 Favorite points and local stardom in the geocaching community.

Iconic Gadgetcache (GCAFF1X) is no exception. This clever cache draws inspiration from an escape room challenge with a geocaching spin!
Before we get too far with this Geocache of the Week, we must warn readers that this blog post may contain spoilers. All information can be found on the cache page and the images were provided with permission from the cache owner.
The puzzle is designed to be a challenge but in the end fairly simple to solve. We want everyone to enjoy the cache and be able to sign in on the logbook.”—Olivandy

At first glance, this cache looks like your average birdhouse container, sealed with a simple padlock. A quick read-through of the cache description gives you all you need to unlock the door. But this is just the beginning…

Once inside, geocachers are treated to an iconic geocache, literally. Seven rotating wheels each display six cache icons: Traditional, MultiCache, Letterbox, Event, Virtual, and Mystery. Instructions inside the door give clues on the next step, but solving this dizzying geocache is sure to make heads spin!

As Olivandy explains, one must rotate the wheels to find the correct “code.”
Each puzzle wheel has a small magnet strategically installed and hidden in the back, and when a wheel is in the correct position on the gameboard, it will line up with a hidden magnetic sensor (an electronic part called a ‘reed switch’) on the back panel. When (and only when) all wheels are in the correct position, the internal electronic circuit is complete and will illuminate a Green Button. When the user presses the illuminated green button, an electromagnetic latch releases, and the locked door will pop open to reveal the logbook container! ”—Olivandy

Finally, cache-in-hand, it’s time to sign the log book, and then it’s on to the next Olivandy cache, Iconic Gadgetcache – BONUS! (GCAFF20)
Creating new and unique caches ourselves is just a small way we can give back to the community for all the great work they do for the hobby.”—Olivandy
Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world.
Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.