Mission 8: Wattle’s Edge Project APE Cache
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For this mission we’ve gone abroad and located a spot where we are sure to continue our resounding success of Mission 7. Our field agent reports on the third international cache. Melbourne, Australia is the location and it seems the threat of authorities may not be as high here, but don’t be deceived, undercover agents may lurk anywhere and everywhere. Remain diligent in your work.
“The area we planted the cache in is known for its delicate balance between historic buildings, man-made landscape and natural bush.
Remnants of many indigenous trees can be seen including manna gum, black wattle and swamp paper-bark. There are also native grasses and wildflowers such as kangaroo and wallaby grass throughout the area. Birds common to the land include wattle birds, kookaburras and galahs.
The length of the hike will vary depending on where you start. No need for a shovel, but you will need to look beyond the walking trail and have a sharp eye to spot it.”
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