Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire! Meet & Greet Event Cache
avroair: Well this one goes into the books. I have mailed out all of the Liar Lair coins. Thanks for attending! (and that's no lie!)
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire! Meet & Greet
Sunday, 01 April 2007
Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions
in our disclaimer.
What Geocaching Meet & Greet - Share your best
geocaching lies.
Where Ruby Tuesday's - Upstairs
When April Fool's Day, April 1st 2007, noon to 4 pm
Why Much like a liar cache, this is a liar event!
Talk geocaching, eat, talk some more of those tall tales of caching
wonder, heculean efforts and geocaching glory!
Each attendee will have the opportunity to draw at random a 'lie'
from a hat. Then to log the event online the attendee must
incorporate their 'lie' into their log, careful not to disrupt any
logs that have been written before them.
We have the upstairs reserved event is: Kid friendly, Travel Bug
friendly and Geocoin Friendly. Please RSVP with numbers so we
can let the restaurant know a final tally
The event will have it's own geocoin! (more news to come)
Additional Hints
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