This cache is in a plastic waterproof container that has a clear
top and red bottom. Cache is not readily visible from coordinates.
Please Read! ( Do Not Place Any More Travel BUGS in this cache ) as
they always seem to disappear almost as soon as they are placed and
this has been an on going problem that sadly I can't figure out or
seem to stop. I am sorry about this request but I have recieved
many angry e-mail about missing or lost travel bugs. Thank you for
your understanding. There are letter boxes close by that some teams
are mistaking for the cache, so beware.
The booty in this cache like all others, is ever changing. We
keep an eye on the cache and try to keep it free of junk and full
of cool stuff. Bad Monkey even sneaks in some stuff he likes. Note:
Please take time to enjoy the scenery, and investigate the old
fort. Most of all, Bad Monkey says "HAVE FUN!!!"
GEOCACHE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!