Of the many existent dolmens in the District,
only the Dolmen "Foz do Rio Frio", in Ortiga, is standing.
There was several megalític monuments, of what
most are already destroyed. Oppositely to the monuments that are
recognized in west, in the valley of the Zêzere, that are grouped
together in sets of two to five monuments, forming cemeteries, the
Mação monuments appear isolated, generally in elevated positions
and "looking" at the fertile valleys.
The digging of the Dolmen "Foz do Rio Frio"
revealed the construction of a monument of camera and short
corridor paved and recovered by a complex mamoa, with clear
affinities with the phases calcolíticas of the monuments of the
valley of the Zêzere. However, there are products in quartzito, of
"paleolithic" appearance, and some sub-circular axes, which suggest
the most ancient presence of a phase.
The last use of the Dolmen "Foz do Rio Frio" is
dated around 4.300 years ago. This grave marks a moment of turning,
in which the individual status surfaces on the community, which on
his side it begins to invest more in constructions for the living
creatures (and not only for the dead men), when a territory of
fighting communities takes place, in growing tension for the
possession of the lands and his products. |