N1SDR's Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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This is on mead paper land/hiking trail. First 3/4 or more of trail
is an easy hike, last little bit is harder but has plenty of good
footing. Trail is well travel worn w/blue paint markings on trees.
Container is a clear rubber maid container w/white top. It contains
3 cd's w/shareware and somethings that I have done on them, a
cassette tape, 3 pencils w/pencil sharpener for signing log (sorry
I forgot to pre-sharpen one.), Business cards (please take one.), a
small stuffed kangaroo, and one very fine looking sea shell. Take a
writing utensil w/you just in case pencils walk off w/hikers that
find the cache. Good luck and enjoy. ADDED NOTE: The waypoint has
been updated on here, I got my reference point and the hidden point
backwards in my GPS. My apologies the person who couldn't find it
and a congrates to the one who did..that was some searching.
Hopefully those who have taken these down will get notified about
this change. Added note: Adopted by JustKev and JustPJ66 on
08/07/2010. We'll get up there and make sure it's in good shape
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)