Ka04-BV - Pietrele lui Solomon Traditional Cache
Ka04-BV - Pietrele lui Solomon
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Pietrele lui Solomon (Solomon's Rocks) is a beautiful piece of nature inside Brasov City that bears a lot of history. The Brasov "juniors" had their meetings there and this tradition still follows every year.
Solomon's Rocks are now a natural reservation.
There are a few elevations at Solomon's Rocks, on the first one are built wood benches and fire places. You can get to the second elevation by the trail near the waterfall where 2 springs fuel the water stream and to get to the highest elevation there are a few serpentines to climb from there (mountain bike, motorcycle and atv friendly).
To get to the cache you need to climb the cliff from the highest elevation, near the concrete tables (you'll need to use your hands on some parts).
The cache is at about 820m altitude (i can't guarantee for that, my gps gave me a few different readings), in a big crack between 2 big rocks. It's hidden in the back of the rocks but a mini trail gets to it. It's covered by some leafs, some sticks and a few rocks.
The container is a see-through plastic tupperware with a blue lid of 0.5L volume.
Additional Hints
oyhr K znexf gur fcbg.