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Countryman Michael's Buckle Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Plotor: Well, its been fun, but i just can't seem to maintain this one anymore.
So long and thanks for all the fish...

Hidden : 09/12/2008
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

A Quick and Easy cache at U6 Michaelbauern AKH
Ein schnell und einfach cache bei U6 Michaelbauern AKH

The cache gets it's name from the hiding spot... The heavily trafficed street at the coordinates, is called "the Gurtel" (Gurtel in english is a "belt")... Michaelbauern ; A bauer (farmer, or countryman), Michael...
Der cache nimmt seine nennung vom das verstecksort...Die stark befahrenen Straße an der Koordinaten, ist als "Gürtel" bekannt (Gurtel in Englisch ist ein "Belt"...) Michaelbauern - Ein Bauer ("farmer" oder "Countryman"), Michael ...

The cache is found at the "buckle" of "Countryman Michael"'s "belt"
Der Cache ist den gefundenen bei den "Schnalle" der " Gürtel "von "Countryman Michael "

This area is highly muggle-trafficed... In fact it is a site of Public Muggle Transit!
Dieser Bereich ist sehr Muggel-trafficed ... Es gibt dort ein Muggle öffentliche Verkehr!

Muggles like to hang out there, stare at strange non-muggles, be loud, listen to mobile muggle-messaging devices... sit on benches, ask for muggle-money...

A little discretion and stealth when seeking and retrieving the cache, as well as replacing it is a prudent idea.

The container could be considered a Small Regular, or a Large Small container

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Jura "Pbeerpgyl" uvqqra vg fubhyq or bhg bs ernpu vs lbh'er ybbxvat sebz orybj, lbh'yy unir gb guvax gb teno vg sebz fbzrjurer ryfr,

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)