Summary: The Basic
A "Flash Mob" Gathering of
Geocachers. Only 15 minutes long! You MUST be
present and sign a log sheet DURING this time to
claim the event.
Please BYOP! (Bring your own pen)
The World Wide Flash Mob Event:
Dozens of events all around the
world, coordinated to happen at the same time to bring together
geocachers and introduce others (newbies) to geocaching.
You're heard of MEGA-EVENTS? This is quite the opposite in a
variety of ways. FLASH MOBS have gathered for other reasons
( more info
here). Come be part of this historic event!
The event will last EXACTLY 15 minutes, not one second
The event will begin precisely at 18:00 on November 8, 2008. The
event will be held at Zona Ribeirinha.
You will need an
umbrella. Bring an umbrella! Or you will not be allowed to log this
event. The event will be highly organized and facilitated by
volunteers. A minute by minute itinerary will be posted. We will
also have printed copies of this ultra-precise itinerary
distributed at the event.
In keeping with the theme, please bring along an umbrella if you
have one for the group picture.
The Plan
At exactly 17:55 you will pick up
your umbrella and just wander around the ground zero with it in
your hand.
At exactly 18:00 (as determined by
the GPS clock) we will place a box at the coordinates. At this
point, all geocachers will converge, seeming to come out of
Salino and Tochas will hand out
"log sheets". Participants will sign the log sheets (which will
later become a log book), to qualify for attendance and drop them
in a designated collection box.
Bring a pen. If
any muggles are curious about the event we will have a volunteer
hand out fliers that explain geocaching.
A place to drop/grab trackables
will be available. You have 9mn to do it. Look for Riper7&W3NDY
At precisely 18:10, we will take a
group photo. Tony (Tony&Mary) will be the one in charge.
At precisely 18:15 the box, and the
log sheets will be packed up and sealed away. The event area will
be vacated without a trace!!!
Events that happen
after 18:15:01 do not count as part of THIS
Only those participants whose names appear on the log sheets may
log the event.
Tell your friends and help promote
the event!
PARKING. Parking can be difficult to find. If you can't find
parking you might miss the event!
Note: Although participants are
welcome to get together after the event, the event will officially
be over at 18:15. Afterwards, at the meeting, participants may
chat, meet, eat and plan for a day of caching!!!
I'm sure there will be several
muggles nearby who will wonder "What did I just see? What just
happened?" (That's part of the fun!) |