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Tailspin Geo Rally II Event Cache

This cache has been archived.

Scruffster: Thank you once again to everyone for braving the elements to make the second rally a success. Also, thanks for the video clips and photos. They were great.

It's always amazing to see what people will do to get a cache. It is like ten FTFs in a row to win and we saw people doing some amazingly silly things. I love it.

Although it was mentioned that people would get wet, I didn't expect the weather to cooperate. Rain, hail, snow, leaky boats, and everyone walked into the hall in bright spirits. Participants were put through a tough endurance test and finished with a smile. I'm still trying to figure out if geocachers in general are simply good natured or masochists at heart.

There will be another rally. Irene and I enjoy hosting these events -- especially when there is the outpouring of appreciation exhibited by everyone involved. It makes it all worth while.

See you at the next rally.

This event is officially archived.

Hidden : Saturday, 28 March 2009
5 out of 5
5 out of 5

Size: Size:   not chosen (not chosen)

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Geocache Description:

Thanks everyone!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the car rally!

Tailspin Geo Rally II Results.

Raw time is the actual time it took to make it to the finish line. However, the raw time does not include missed waypoints.

Bonuses include the photo booth task, croquet, bowling and two bonus caches.

Deductions include all missed waypoints / stamps. Phone a friend to move to the next cache and photographs of parking / trespassing violations.

Rank Team # Raw Time After Bonuses
& Deductions:
1 11 4:19 0:23
2 16 4:45 0:54
3 9 4:45 1:13
4 12 4:22 1:21
5 14 4:35 2:30
6 2 5:36 2:34
7 4 4:29 2:50
8 8 5:09 2:54
9 6 4:59 2:59
10 3 4:58 3:48
11 15 4:33 3:53
12 17 5:55 3:54
13 19 5:27 4:10
14 7 5:03 4:25
15 1 7:15 4:43
16 18 5:44 5:00
17 10 6:08 5:36
18 5 6:12 6:31
19 13 6:15 7:51

Best Bowling Score: The Wild Thingies
Best Photo Booth Pics: 3Fish and 2Poco
Best Raw Score: geo_canuck77, Teddy2k, adroitseeker, mcwilli
Slowest Overall Time: Olipe and the Duvids
Most Improved from Last Rally: Kittyclan
Heroic Act: Puddleduck & Code3Man
Most Deductions: Marmi, Tas, Pearlwind, Hollyburn, Cuddlefish

It's the Second...

MARCH 28th, 2009

This rally will take you on an exciting adventure to several scenic locations. The entire route should take the average team approximately four to five hours to complete.  It will test your physical and mental endurance.  Be prepared!
What you will need: 

Sticky Tape (scotch, electricitans, whatever. Just bring tape.)
Cell phone
$4 (two toonies)
Digital Camera

The Starting point will be at the Buntzen Lake Gazebo. The first team will start at 9:00 and all other teams will leave at approximately five minute intervals thereafter.  Each car will have one team.  At this point we are allowing a maximum of 20 cars to encourage geocachers to carpool.  More spots may be added when the first 20 vehicles are filled.

This is a timed rally. The team that completes the route in the least amount of time will win.  There will be tasks along the way.  Only a few waypoints will be park and grab.  WARNING!  This rally will be very physical.  Be prepared to do a certain amount of walking, running, climbing, wading, and yes, even thinking. There will be penalties and rewards.

Everyone will be doing the exact same route this year.  For this reason there may be some bunching up.  However, this rally will focus on physical endurance and mental prowless.  Rally caches will be situated farther from available parking than the previous rally.

By posting a "will attend" note on this cache page, you will be assigned a start time.  The rally will take place rain or shine. This is not tentative, so we ask that you remain committed to participate once you post a "will attend" note.  We also ask that you verify any available seats in your vehicle when posting your intention to attend. PLEASE BE AT BUNTZEN LAKE GAZEBO NO LESS THAN TEN MINUTES BEFORE YOUR START TIME!

There are many costs associated with hosting a rally. For this reason we ask that each team (vehicle) pitches together for the cost of the rally by donating a minimum of twenty dollars. Although door prizes will be accepted, the event organizers will be supplying prizes for the winning teams.

An after party is planned for 4PM close to the final destination. Awards will be handed out at 5PM. If you have not completed the rally at this time you will have no chance of winning so we suggest you end the rally short and head into the party. Drinks and light snacks will be provided.

**PLEASE NOTE** The Wind Up party will be held at Scout Hall

N 49° 16.769 W 122° 51.119

The hall has very limited parking so we suggest you park at Rocky Point Park. The parking lot is very close to the hall.

For those that are leaving their cars to join others for the rally. We suggest that you meet at Rocky Point Park and leave your cars there as Buntzen Lake is rather far from the final coordinates and Wind up party. Buntzen Lake also closes at dusk and those that leave their cars there may find their vehicles locked up overnight.

# Start Time Team Name
1 9:00 The Wild Thingies, henderbugs
2 9:05 TSKELLY, Bestred, tite lines, curnew
3 9:10 Stickcollector
4 9:15 Aerodoq, OptimisticPrime, Quigley Jones
5 9:20 Marmi & Taz, Pearlwind, Hollyburn, Cuddlefish
6 9:25 Doonchak, Derlwyn
7 9:30 Tulameen Turtles, Beauty & the Beast, Lone_Woof, Geo Dancer, Fire Webkinz, Grafinator
8 9:35 High Maintenance, Puddleduck21, Boomerangpapa, Code3man, mountainsideman
9 9:40 kittyclan, brother, borrowed teenager, katcogo
10 9:45 Chillichick, DisneyGirl, Lillooet Lady
11 9:50 geo_canuck77, Teddy2k, adroitseeker, mcwilli
12 9:55 Huggy Family, MSthebrain & Pinky, Clever Calliope
13 10:00 Olipe & the Duvids
14 10:05 _canadianbacon_, Mr. Wildbeanz, Geodug, Mr. Turbos
15 10:10 RinkRats
16 10:15 MrGigabyte, Wet Coast Explorers, Wecksings
17 10:20 2-poco, 3fish
18 10:25 BurnaBees
19 10:30 CatapultJeff, Iron Maiden, icdgirl
20 10:35 (space available)


Additional Hints (No hints available.)