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Japan @ Algarve [Vila do Bispo] Traditional Cache

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Hidden : 03/28/2009
2 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Japan @ Algarve [Vila do Bispo]

The goal of this cache is to make you discover a small square at Vila do Bispo town that is a bond between Europe and Asia.
In February 1992, Vila do Bispo signed a 'twinning' agreement with Nishinoomote, in Japan, in recognition of the fact that Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Japan in the 16th century. The square between the cultural centre and municipal building was inaugurated in 1998 and called 'Praça de Tanegashima' ('Tanegashima Square') to commemorate the agreement.

Tanegashima is an island lying to the south of Kyushu, in southern Japan, and is part of Kagoshima Prefecture. The island is the second largest of the Osumi Islands.It is a long low stretch of land, carefully cultivated, 57.5 kilometers from north to south, and 5-12 kilometers from east to west. On the island, there is a city, Nishinoomote, and two towns, Nakatane and Minamitane. The towns belong to Kumage District.
This island is celebrated as the site of the first known contact of Europe and the Japanese, in 1543. A Ryukyuan trading post had been established there several decades earlier, and all traffic from the Ryukyus to Kagoshima on Kyushu, in southern Japan, was obliged to pass through this station. Thus it was that the Portuguese ship, having been blown off course from China to Okinawa made their way to Tanegashima, and not directly to Japan proper. Until modern times firearms were colloquially known in Japan as "Tanega-shima," due to the belief that they were introduced by the Portuguese onboard that ship. In his memoirs published in 1614, Portuguese adventurer turned author, Mendes Pinto placed himself in that first landing party, although this claim has been roundly discredited and in fact contradicts with his claims to be simultaneously in Burma at the time. However, Pinto does appear to have visited Tanegashima soon thereafter.
The Europeans had arrived to trade, not only guns, but also soap, tobacco and other goods unknown in medieval Japan, for the Japanese goods.
You will seek a micro cache. Please be careful with the muggles since it’s a one of the main squares of the town. Have fun and Good luck!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)