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The meeting of the lines Mystery Cache

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Novadi: Der Knick ist futsch. Ohne Knick - kein Final

Hidden : 04/02/2010
2.5 out of 5
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Geocache Description:

Stormarns Cache des Jahres 2010

Stormarns Cache des Jahres 2010

Hier bewerten!

A little history lesson. Keep patience.

In May 1869, The Railheads of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads finallY met at Promontory Summit, Utah Territory. The ceremony To drive in the Last Spike was originally to be held on May 8, but Was postponed two days because of bad weather and a labor dispute on the Union Pacific side.

On May 10, in anticipation of the ceremony, Union Pacific No. 119,0 and Central Pacific No. 60,00 (better known as the jupiter) locomotives were drawn up face-to-face on Promontory summit, separated only by the width of a single tie. It is unknown how many people attended the event; estimates run from As Low as 500 to as many as 3,000 government and railroad officials and track workers who were present to witness the evenT.

However, although Eastern and western railroads had met, the transcontinental railRoad was not yet coast-to-coast. It was not until September 1870-1, that the Mossdale bridge across the San Joaquin River near LatHrop, California was completed. This vertical lift drawbridge was the final section in uninterrupted travel across continentaL.


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Xrrc cngvrapr!

Decryption Key


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