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H2O Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

piscek: Because lack of time to maintain it I have archived this cache.

Hidden : 04/04/2010
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Walk to Ivan’s spring. Chance to drink and take away refreshing spring water and then short walk to ..... Simple terrain.

4.1.2011 Update: Cache was moved to location near by. It is worth to visit it, even if you already found it on old location. In summer bring your sleeping bag :-)

This cache is nearly much known Ivan's spring. People come here from all around to drink and take refreshing cold water from spring. According to tradition, this water has also positive effect to your health. Around spring are bioenergetics points for ones, which believe in them. Others, especially children, will enjoy walk on tracks in wood.

Around each Christmas here is live show showing Jesus birth. This is reason, why there is couple of improvised cottages.

More information in Slovene at:
(visit link)

(visit link)

In cache you will find one time photo camera. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CAMERA, JUST TAKE YOUR PHOTO. Cache owner will develop pictures and post them here, so be original :-)

Added Oct. 12:

Cache is close to river Scavnica. If you don't want to exercise jungle crossing then walk on the left river bank until you are near.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

va gur zvqqyr bs g...

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)