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Toško celo Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

Nikrmana: As the owner has not responded to my previous log requesting that they check this cache I am archiving it. If you wish to repair/replace the cache sometime in the future, just contact me (by email), and assuming it meets the guidelines, we'll be happy to unarchive it.

Volunteer Slovenian Reviewer - Help Center

Hidden : 06/09/2010
2.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:


Toško celo je med Ljubljancani priljubljena izletniška tocka. Vzpon na vrh je zaradi asfaltirane ceste primeren tudi v deževnih dneh. Zelo je priljubljena tudi med kolesarji, ceprav je vzpon do vrha s kolesom zaradi obcasne strmine kar naporen. Na vrhu, oziroma malo pod njim, se nahaja lovski dom na Toškem celu .

Zaklad se nahaja na Toškem Celu, nekje v bližnji okolici Lovske koce.

1. tocka:
Naš lov za zakladom se zacne že spodaj v Podutiku, in sicer pri Župnijski cerkvi sv. Rešnjega telesa in krvi. Do te tocke vas pripeljejo dane koordinate. Za uspešno nadaljevanje geolova, pa morate ugotoviti naslednje:

N 46° 04.((a+a)-6))b
E 014° (b+1)².c²77

a = število vseh stebrov pred cerkvijo
b= število stebrov v 3. vrsti od glavnega vhoda v cerkev
c= število stopnic, ki vodijo do glavnega vhoda v cerkev

2. tocka:
Sedaj ste na drugi tocki in vaša naloga je, da izracunate:

N 46° 0a.0b
E 014° a².c

a= število brez, ki rastejo v neposedni bližini
b= skupno število crk, vkljucno s številom vejic in pik v napisanem posvetilu
c= število dni v letu

Koncne koordinate, ki ste jih ravnokar dobili s pravilnim izracunom, vas vodijo do zaklada.

Ce ste se odlocili, da boste šli do zaklada peš, avto parkirajte pri drugi tocki in se sprehodite po gozdu, od koder je do vrha približno ½ ure zmerne hoje. Najprej se gozdna pot vzpenja vzporedno ob cesti, višje pa je poti vec, zato si poljubno izberemo po kateri se bomo vzpeli.. Sicer pa pelje cesta do vrha Toškega cela, tako da je možen vzpon z avtom ali pa s kolesom, kateri pa je kasneje poplacan z nepozabnim spustom navzdol ............. jupiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! :) Previdno!

3. tocka:
Cilj :)

Zaklad vsebuje:
vpisno knjižico, svincnik
geocaching obvestilo
nekaj stvari za izmenjavo


Toško celo is very popular hiking destination for Ljubljana citizen. It is also quite favorited by bikers, even though the hill climb. On the top there is hunting lodge where you can eat.

The cache is hidden on Toško Celo, somewhere around the hunting lodge.

spot 1:
Our geocaching starts below, in Podutik, by Church Sv, Rešnjega telesa in krvi. The coordinates lead you to the church. To continue you must calculate following:

N 46° 04.((a+a)-6))b
E 14° (b+1)².c²77

a = number of all pillars in front of the church
b = the number of pillars in third line in front from the main entrance
c = number of stairs, which lead to the main entrance

spot 2:
Now you are on the second spot and your mission is to calculate:

N 46° 0a.0b
E 014° a².c

a = the number of birch trees, which grow very close
b = total number of letters including the number of commas and dots.
c = the number of days in a year.

The finaly coordinates which you just recieved with the correct calculation, lead you to the cache.

If you decided to go to the cache by foot, park your car in spot two, and take a walk in the forrest, from where you have about half an hour of a normal speed of walking. First, forrest trail goes up parallel to the road, and when you get higher, there are more different trails and you can decide which one you take to get to the top.. You can also get to the top by your car or with a bike, and the last option is very fun, since the downhill fun is priceless.................wooohooooooo!!! Carefull!

Spot 3:

The cache includes:
- log book, a pencil
- geocaching notice
- some trade stuff

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

i ivšvav cnfh

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)