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Roots and near to roots Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

btreviewer: Esta cache foi arquivada por falta de uma resposta atempada e/ou adequada perante as situações relatadas. Relembro a secção das guidelines sobre a manutenção :

You are responsible for occasional visits to your cache to maintain proper working order, especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.). You may temporarily disable your cache to let others know not to search for it until you have a chance to fix the problem. This feature is to allow you a reasonable amount of time – normally a few weeks – in which to check on your cache. If a cache is not being maintained, or has been temporarily disabled for an unreasonable length of time, we may archive the listing.

Because of the effort required to maintain a geocache, we ask that you place physical caches in your usual caching area and not while on a vacation or business trip. It is best when you live within a manageable distance from the cache placements to allow for return visits. Geocaches placed during travel may not be published unless you are able to demonstrate an acceptable maintenance plan, which must allow for a quick response to reported problems. An acceptable maintenance plan might include the username of a local geocacher who will handle maintenance issues in your absence.[/quote]

Como owner, se tiver planos para recolocar a cache, por favor, contacte-me por [url=]e-mail[/url].

Lembro que a eventual reactivação desta cache passará pelo mesmo processo de análise como se fosse uma nova cache, com todas as implicações que as guidelines actuais indicam.

Se no local existe algum container, por favor recolha-o a fim de evitar que se torne lixo (geolitter).


[b] btreviewer [/b] Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 06/23/2010
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

background O fundo
In mathematics, a square root of a number x is a number r such that r2 = x, or, in other words, a number r whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself) is x.
Every non-negative real number x has a unique non-negative square root, called the principal square root, which is denoted with a radical sign as √. The square root can also be written in exponent notation, as x1/2. For example, the principal square root of 9 is 3, denoted √9=3 , because 3 × 3 = 9 and 3 is non-negative. The principal square root of a positive number, however, is only one of its two square roots.
Matematicamente, a raiz quadrada de um número real não negativo x é o número real não negativo que, quando multiplicado por si próprio, iguala x. A raiz quadrada de x é simbolizada por √x. Por exemplo: √16=4 porque 4 × 4 = 16, e √2 = 1.41421... . As raízes quadradas são importantes para a resolução de equações quadráticas (equações do 2º grau). A extensão da função raiz quadrada a números negativos leva à criação dos números imaginários e ao corpo dos números complexos.
One nice algorithm
Perhaps the first algorithm used for approximating is known as the "Babylonian method", named after the Babylonians, or "Hero's method", named after the first-century Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria who gave the first explicit description of the method. It can be derived from (but predates) Newton's method. This is a quadratically convergent algorithm, which means that the number of correct digits of the approximation roughly doubles with each iteration. It proceeds as follows:
1. Start with an arbitrary positive start value x0 (the closer to the root, the better).
2. Let xn+1 be the average of xn and S / xn (using the arithmetic mean to approximate the geometric mean).
3. Repeat steps 2 and 3, until the desired accuracy is achieved.

S= 100000
x0= 300
The cache √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ a cache
The Cache:
You will have to calculate two square roots, so either you take a pocket calculator or this algorithm or you are just smart in estimating :-)
At the initial coordinates - on the floor: Find the year which is “written” on the floor by stones. Take it as X.
You find 2 stars in this “stone drawing”, count the edges of one of them and take it as Y.

At the initial coordinates - the panels
On your left you find the panel with the name of two famous Portuguese.
On your right you find a panel with a year. Take it as Z

Now the calculations:
CD =√(Z*3-866)

Final coordinates:
N38° 00.8AB W7° 51.4CD

A cache:
É necessário calcular duas raízes quadradas, por isso você vai precisar de uma calculadora ou do algoritmo acima ou ser um ás em cálculo mental :-)

Nas coordenadas iniciais – no chão: Procure o ano escrito na calçada e tome-o como valor de X.
Há duas estrelas desenhadas na calçada. Quantas pontas tem cada uma? Esse é o valor Y.

Nas coordenadas iniciais - os painéis. À sua esquerda você encontra um painel com o nome de dois famosos Portugueses.
À sua direita você encontra um painel com um ano. Tome-a como valor de Z

As fórmulas:
CD = √(Z*3-866)

Coordenadas fineis:
N38° 00.8AB W7° 51.4CD

The initial point is at the public garden which is actually in rebuilding. It is not necessary to enter the garden. Nevertheless it would be nice if you could upload some pictures from the working progress.

O ponto inicial é num jardim público, que está actualmente em remodelação. Não é necessário entrar no jardim. No entanto, seria bom se você pudesse colocar algumas fotos do progresso do trabalho.
Thanks a lot to SawCastro for the help in translation!
Thanks to MJordao who made the local maintenance and made it possible to reactivate this cache!
Muito obrigado para SawCastro para a ajuda em traduzão!
Muito obrigado para MJordao que fez a manutenção local e tornou possivel reactivar a cache!
Initial content:
pencil, sharpener, logbook, stashnote, some dices and some wooden mini-cloth clamps

Happy caching!

Conteúdo inicial:
lápis, apara-lápis, logbook, stashnote, alguns dados, algumas molas pequeninas
Boas cachadas!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

RA: oevat pbvaf ... CG: yrin zbrqnf ...

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)