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Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro Traditional Cache

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Hidden : 11/09/2010
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Geocache Description:


Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro


(1857 - 1929)




Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (Lisboa, 21 de Novembro de 1857 — Lisboa, 6 de Novembro de 1929) foi um pintor naturalista e realista português.

Columbano era o quarto filho do escultor e também pintor Manuel Maria Bordalo Pinheiro e de sua esposa Augusta Maria de Carvalho Prostes. Entre seus irmãos estava o caricaturista Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro.[1] Iniciou a sua formação na Academia de Belas-Artes de Lisboa, onde foi aluno de Simões de Almeida, um afamado escultor do romantismo português. Anos após completar a sua formação, rumou a Paris, beneficiado por uma bolsa de estudos custeada pelo rei consorte D. Fernando II de Portugal, já viúvo da rainha D. Maria II de Portugal. Ali ele recebeu a influência de pintores como Manet e Edgar Degas, sendo esta notável na sua obra.
Na "cidade-luz", Columbano representou-se, em 1882, numa grande exposição, no famoso "Salon de Paris". Nesta apresentou ao público, maioritariamente burguês, o quadro Soirée chez Lui, surpreendentemente aclamado pela difícil crítica de artes parisiense. De regresso a Portugal, juntou-se ao "Grupo do Leão", o qual tencionava renovar a estética das composições na arte do país. Deste período ficaram celebres os retratos de Ramalho Ortigão, Teófilo Braga, Eça de Queirós e Antero de Quental, por ele pintados. Para além disto, deu nova ênfase aos palácios lisboetas, ao pintar os painéis que se encontram na sala de recepções do Palácio de São Bento, os Painéis dos Passos Perdidos. Tornou-se, em 1901, professor de pintura histórica na Academia de Belas-Artes de Lisboa, onde se formara na sua juventude. Em 1914, Bordalo Pinheiro foi nomeado pelo novo regime republicano, então recentemente instaurado, para o cargo de director do Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea (1911), sucedendo a Carlos Reis.

Fonte : Wikipedia

A Cache

Esta cache encontra-se numa avenida de Lisboa com o mesmo nome do que o pintor.
Trata-se de uma avenida com muito trafico automóvel ... e de muggles. Pede-se que tenham cuidado ao retirar e recolocar o container.
O container é simples e pequeno, reduzindo assim a possibilidade de nele serem colocados objectos.
Inicialmente o container contém um logbook e um pequeno lápis.



Life and work

Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (Lisbon, 21 November 1857- Lisbon, 6 November 1929), who is usually referred to as Columbano, was a Portuguese Realist painter. The greatest Portuguese painter of the 19th century, he as been compared to the likes of Wilhelm Leibl and Thomas Eakins.

Columbano was the son of a mediocre romantic painter, Manuel Maria Bordalo Pinheiro, and the younger brother of the great caricaturist, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro. He became the leading painter of his generation and the master of realism in Portuguese painting, specializing in portraiture. He was disciple of his father, of the painter Miguel Ângelo Lupi and the sculptor Simões de Almeida. After attempting twice for a bursar to study abroad finally in 1881 the countess of Edla, second wife of D.Fernando would finance his study in France. There he studied the work of French naturalist, realist and impressionist painters, like Courbet, Manet and Degas without losing his distinctive style which is often gloomy and intimist. He joined the "Grupo do Leão"(The Lion Group), a usual meeting of artists, writers and intellectual in a Lisbon downtown restaurant called "Leão de Ouro"(The Gold Lion) in order to discuss aesthetic issues and proclaim Naturalism against the academic art of the time. The group also included Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, António da Silva Porto, Marques de Oliveira and José Malhoa. He painted portraits of some of the greatest names of Portuguese society and culture of his time like José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, Teófilo Braga, Raul Brandão and had great psychological accuracy in defining the personality of those depicted. His most famous portrait was that of the poet Antero de Quental in 1889. In this haunting work Columbano seems to have anticipated Antero's suicide.

Columbano was a well known Republican, so it wasn't surprising that after the Republic proclamation, in 1910, he was invited to design the flag of the new regime and was nominated director of the National Museum of Contemporary Art, currently the Chiado Museum, in Lisbon, of which he was in charge from 1914 to 1927. The best collection of his paintings is in the Chiado Museum, in Lisbon. He's also represented in some of the finest Portuguese museums, like the National Museum Soares dos Reis, in Porto.

Source : Wikipedia

The Cache

The cache is located on a Lisbon avenue with the same name as the painter.
Because it's a place with many cars and muggles traffic, we ask you to take the necessary measures while taking and placing the container on his place.
The container is small and simple so the space for small objects is very very limited.
Initially, the container has a logbook and pencil.


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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[POR] Qrireãb rfcrene cryb 23 bh 24, bh fragne-fr ab 2324 ?? ------------------------- [ENG] Fubhyq lbh jnvg sbe gur 23 be 24, be fvg ba gur 2324 ??

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)