Plecnik XlV - Kapela Marije Snezne Traditional Cache
Plecnik XlV - Kapela Marije Snezne
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Kapela Marije Snežne na Krvavcu
Ob blagoslovitvi Doma na Krvavcu 6. kimavca 1925 so mnogi prisotni izrazili željo, naj se v bližini
postavi še kapela. Aljažev klub iz Ljubljane je po Plečnikovih načrtih zgradil kapelo, ki naj bi
posnemala kamnite pastirske bajte. Mariji Snežni posvečeno kapelo je leta 1929 blagoslovil ljubljanski
škof dr. Gregorij Rožman. Prvih deset let je imela status zasebne kapele, od leta 1939 pa pripada
cerkljanski fari.
Menzo nosi kamniti steber, na katerem je vklesan napis: Dominvs in caelo paravit sedem svam
allelvia (Gospod je na nebu pripravil svoj sedež, aleluja)
Nad menzo je velik križ z bronastim Križanim, ki ima leseno levo roko. Ob njem sta sv. Peter in Pavel.
Nad križem je Marijina podoba, ob njej pa dva sveta redovnika. Kapela ima tudi svoj približno 50 kg
težak zvon.
Prvo nedeljo po velikem Šmarnu je v kapeli na Krvavcu žegnanje.
The Marija Snežna chapel on Krvavec
When Dom na Krvavcu was being blessed on 6th September 1925, many present there expressed a
wish for a chapel to be built nearby as well. Based on Plecnik's blueprints the Aljaž club of Ljubljana
built a chapel, resembling the local, traditional stone-built shepherds' sheds. The chapel, dedicated
to Marija Snežna, was blessed by bishop of Ljubljana, Dr. Gregorij Rožman in 1929. It retained the
status of a private chapel for the first ten years; however, in 1939 its ownership was transferred to
the parish of Cerklje.
The altar bears a stone pillar, upon which the following text is engraved: Dominvs in caelo paravit sedem
svam allelvia (The Lord hath prepared His throne in Heaven, Hallelujah)
Above the altar there is a large crucifix featuring a bronze Christ with his left arm made of wood.
Next to him are St. Peter and St. Paul. Above the crucifix there is an image of Mary with two monks
at her side. The chapel also has its own bell, weighing approximately 50 kg.
On the first Sunday following Ascension Day a blessing takes place in the chapel.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)