Welcome to Kunuku-land by the Mighty Penguins
Kunuku is Papiamentu for farm. It is a land full of cacti and plants with thorns. The region is hot and the ground made of ironshore. Wear heavy shoes unless you want to take thorns out of your feet. Long pants wouldn't hurt either. South of the road is private so keep off the salt company land, plus you don't want to disturb the flamingoes! Please put the rocks back on top of the cache, otherwise the wild donkeys will disturb the container. The plastic box contains the usual trinkets including a film container of Heinekenite, a man-made Bonarian gem (HA HA). We penguins think this is the first geochache in Bonaire and the Antillies. Please watch your step, cacti ironshore and thorns abound. Look around for in this area are lizards, wild donkeys, goats and flamingoes
Blue Skies
The Mighty Penguin/MAGX