[RO] Cetatea Feudala Salasu de Sus
Curtea nobiliara a fost ridicata in Evul Mediu tarziu. Se spune ca nobilul din tinutul Salasului, dupa ce a construit in apropiere o cetate, si-a amenajat aici o resedinta mai confortabila, ridicand in jurul unei curti interioare camere mai spatioase si mai luminoase decat cele ale fortificatiilor. Se pare ca locul nu a fost ales la intamplare. Aici era deja un turn mai vechi care a fost integrat in noua constructie.
Vechiul turn fusese construit ca sa apere intrarea in sat. De aceea avea ziduri groase si ferestre inguste, de fortificatie. Arcasii puteau supraveghea de aici zona fara a fi in pericol sa fie tintiti la randul lor.
Poarta era joasa. Asta inseamna ca nu se intra calare in curtea interioara.
Intrarea in turn era mai sus de nivelul solului. Iar la usa nu se putea ajunge decat cu ajutorul unei scari de lemn, care noaptea sau in caz de pericol era trasa sus. Se mai vad inca sparturile din zid unde era prinsa mica platforma de lemn din fata usii.
Camerele de locuit aveau ferestre cu ochiuri de sticla facuta manual. Iar deasupra ferestrelor au fost construite bolti de caramida, din care s-au pastrat doar cateva bucati.
[EN] Salasu de Sus Fortress
The noble court was built in the late Middle Age. The story is that the noble of the Salasului region, as soon as he had established a fortress nearby, he built a more comfortable dwelling here that contained larger and brighter rooms than those of the fortification's around an interior courtyard. It appears that the location was not chosen at random as the new construction was integrated into an existing tower.
The old tower was built to defend the entrance in the village. That's why it had thick walls and narrow windows, of fortification. The archers could survey the area from here, without exposing themselves.
The gate was small, meaning that one couldn't get in the courtyard riding on a horse.
The entrance of the tower was above the ground level. And getting to the door required climbing a timberladder which was removed at night or in times of danger. You can still notice the cracks in the wall where the small timber platform was attached in front of the door.
The accommodation rooms had windows of hand-made glass. The upper side of the windows was decorated with brick arches, pieces of which can still be seen.