SIDETRACKED - Portsmouth Harbour Traditional Cache
Professor Xavier: As the owner has not responded to my previous log requesting that they check this cache I am archiving it.
If you wish to email me please send your email via my profile (click on my name) and quote the cache name and number.
Professor Xavier - Volunteer UK Reviewer
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SIDETRACKED - Portsmouth Harbour
Size:  (other)
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******* CACHE REPLACED 05/05/2013 *******
This cache has been replaced with a new container and log book.
This is a nano in the one of the busiest commuting areas of Portsmouth. Stealth and pen will be required. Please be careful when removing and replacing the cache (it has already gone for a swimming lesson once).This area contains the train station for Portsmouth Harbor, the Ferry terminal for Wightlink Catamaran Service and the Gosport Ferry.
Additional Hints
Guvf jvyy fgbc lbh trggvat jrg.