The 2012 Block Party will be on August 18 from 11 am to 3 pm. This is also the second International Geocaching Day! The celebration will be held outside of the Groundspeak HQ in Seattle.
Block Party attendees will earn a special icon and enjoy activities including:
- Beginner, intermediate, and advanced geocaching courses - Coordinates are available for download at the bottom of this page
- Geocaching Mad Libs
- Challenge activities around Fremont
- A bungee bull
- Pin the antenna on Signal
- Design your own pirate hat (for kids)
Join the race to the 2013 Geocaching Block Party in Seattle, Washington. Enter a Travel Bug® into the “The Great Geocaching Block Party 2013 Travel Bug Race” bin by the Geocaching Museum at the 2012 Geocaching Block Party. Find details here.
Here is a map of the party with a schedule of the day’s events:
There should be a fair amount of street parking nearby. We suggest trying across Fremont Avenue to the west and walking along the lovely Burke-Gilman Trail to the event.
We also encourage you to bring a water bottle. If the day is as hot as it was last year, you'll want it! There will be a water refill station at the event.
Please post questions and comments to the special forum section for the Block Party.
Please note: On Sunday, August 19th, WSGA is hosting its third annual Going APE event (now with Mega status) as part of this geocaching destination weekend.

group photo taken at the 2011 Block Party:

Download Geocaching Courses Here
(To download, right click on link and choose Save Link As)
Easy Course gpx
Easy Course loc
Intermediate Course gpx
Intermediate Course loc
Difficult Course gpx
Difficult Course loc
Bonus Expert Cache gpx