Leap Year Grid in Lewiston 2/29/2012 at 6:00pm Event Cache
Reed2ME: Hope to see you at future events!
Leap Year Grid in Lewiston 2/29/2012 at 6:00pm
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Size:  (not chosen)
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6:00pm until we're done, a meet and greet to put a smiley on that Leap Year Grid for the 366 days challenge. Bring the family! Full menu and bar available for purchase. Bring your Travel Bugs to exchange them!
After hosting our first event, we've decided hosting is pretty fun! We can't make it to the Bangor area on a weeknight for GC38HY0, maniac1957's event, so we've consulted with one of our favorite places to eat for holding this Wednesday night event. Family friendly in the sense that no one ever noticed when Chris sang his ABCs at the top of his lungs yet the wait staff love him. The ribs are pretty good there too! If you decide to try the bucket of rum punch, please have a designated driver ready. Seriously. Please mark Will Attend with how many people are coming so we know how big a room we'll need. See you there!
Additional Hints
Tevqveba, 1567 Yvfoba Fgerrg, Yrjvfgba, ZR TCF pbbeqvangrf onfrq ba fgerrg nqqerff pbairegrq ng tcfivfhnyvmre.pbz, n jrofvgr jr'er gelvat bhg sbe shgher riragf jura jr pna'g trg n TCF ernqvat bhefryirf.