UBUNTU 1 Traditional Cache
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The cache is one of a series that celebrates "UBUNTU". This is a typically African concept which recognises the mutual support that we all offer to one another - in Africa, a child is considered to have been brought up by the whole village.
"I am what I am because of who we all are."
We interpret this to mean we all support others, wherever they are in the world.
Bansang Lower Basic School has 1,200 pupils and was built in 1947 by the British. The UBUNTU in this case is an improvement of the environment by "The Gambia Pencil Project" some friends based in Sheringham, North Norfolk and Higham Lane School in Nuneaton, UK which has partnered with the school.
The mutual UBUNTU is that when you cachers visit Gambia/Bansang or the school you will experience a different UBUNTU to other parts of the world. Caching is partly about experiencing new places and atmospheres; and that's why we want to share this cache with you.
The co-ordinates will take you to a position in the school grounds - so available in school hours. The cache is readily available on the school site - it is a black cylindrical screw top container and clearly labelled as a geocache.
Additional Hints
Nqwnprag gb Urnqznfgref bssvpr