Loch Ness Traditional Cache
Jenjo: Due to several bouts of vandalism where the official geocache box with contents has been thrown in the lake, contents have been removed from the box and thrown to the winds and now finally where fireworks have been let off inside the box and melted it down, we have regretably decided to archive this geoache.
Thank you to all who have sent good feedback and comments about the geocache and the pretty spot is was located in. Our only regret is that future geocachers will not be introduced to this otherwise tranquil and serene location.
Size:  (regular)
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The cache is hidden on the lovely grounds of Scion DTU, Hørsholm, on the banks of a little pond just next to the firm DHI.
When the water level in the pond is low you may be lucky enough to see something that can remind you of the Loch Ness monster in the water. But when the pond is full of water the monster can be difficult to spot. How did the monster get into the pond and why can you see it sometimes but not all the time?
The answer is that, not only is it a pond but it is also a reservoir for recycled water from DHI’s research halls!
Behind the white warehouse-like buildings to the east/north east of the pond is one of the world’s most sophisticated wave research centres. On the very bottom of the pond is an enormous ‘bag’ which can contain as much as 2000 m3 of water for recycling from the research centre.
So when the test facilities are emptied - and there is a lot of water in the bag - the Loch Ness monster will rise to the surface!
Today more than 200 science companies with some 3.500 employees work within the SCION DTU science park. When it came into being in 1962 there were several small fruit orchards in the southern part of the area as well as a couple of farms and dwellings with adjoining fields.
The first trees and bushes were planted in 1967 by the neighbouring Arboretum and the researchers themselves were in charge of the planning and shaping of the present day science park with its many different trees and wild plant species. Help us to protect it!
Cachen er gemt på SCINO-DTU’s naurskønne område uden for virksomheden DHI på bredden af en lille sø.
Når der er lav vandstand i søen, kan man være heldig at se noget, der kan minde om Loch Ness uhyret i vandet. Men når søen er fuld af vand, er det svært at få øje på. Hvordan kom uhyret til denne lille sø, og hvorfor kan man se den nogle gange og ikke andre?
Svaret er, at det ikke bare er en sø, men i virkeligheden også et reservoir for genbrugsvand til DHI’s forsøgshaller!
Inde bag de hvide lagerhaller, der ligger øst og nord-øst for søen, befinder der sig nemlig nogle af verdens mest sofistikerede bølgeforsøgsanlæg. Nede på bunden af søen ligger der en stor ’sæk’ på 2.000 m3, som indeholder genbrugsvand fra forsøgshallerne.
Så når testanlægget er tømt – og der er meget vand i den store pose - kommer Loch Ness uhyret til syne!
I dag arbejder 200 videnskabsfirmaer med ca. 3.500 ansatte på SCION DTUs område. I 1962, da videnskabsparken blev oprettet, var der flere små frugtplantager i den sydlige del af området samt et par gårde og huse med tilhørende marker.
De første træer og buske blev plantet af Arboretet i 1967. Arboretet lå lige ovre på den anden side af vejen, og forskerne selv stod for beplantning og udførelse af den nuværende videnskabspark med de mange forskellige træer og mange vilde planter. Hjælp os til at værne om det!
Additional Hints
Rawbl lbhe cvpavp/ Alq qva cvpavp