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Tell - The Man Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.


While I feel that should hold the location for the cache owner and block other cachers from placing a cache in the area around this cache for a reasonable amount of time, we can’t do so forever.

Nothing seems to happen with this cache listing, so it is now archived, so that someone else can place a cache in the area, and geocachers can once again enjoy visiting this location. Also, if it hasn’t been done already, please pick up any remaining cache bits as soon as possible.

Geocaches which have not been maintained or the owner has not responded will not be taken out of the archive

(This reviewer note is in English so non-Norwegian cache owners, geocachers and cache reviewers can understand what it says.)

Thanks for your understanding,
Cervis Venator Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 05/22/2012
2 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

Tell Teigen og Høyangerbadet

Nano cache.
Inneholder loggbok. husk å ta med penn!

Nano cache.
Holds logbook. Remember to bring a pen.

TELL TEIGEN 1923 - 1958

Tell Teigen eg. Trygve Teigen (født 17. juni 1923 i Høyanger, død 1958 i Palm Springs, California),
var en norsk akrobat som på 1950 tallet ble verdensberømt for sin vågale luftakrobatikk.
Hans spesialitet var å balansere på stoler stablet oppå på høye master.
Han gjorde sine opptredener uten noen form for sikkerhetsinnretninger.
Tell ble en av verdens største sirkusartister og glansnummeret hans blir fortsatt regnet som et av verdens dristigste.
På toppen av en 35 meter høy mast balanserte han håndstående på flere stoler, uten noen form for sikkerhet.

I 2001 ble det laget en dokumentar om Tell Teigen.
Den fikk navnet "Balanse".

Benytt anledningen til å ta et forfriskende bad i Høyangerbadet.
Her er det både innendørs og- utendørs basseng :-)

TELL TEIGEN 1923 - 1958

Tell Teigen or Trygve Teigen, 1923-1958 was an acrobat born in Høyanger, Norway. His speciality was to balance on stacked chairs on top on tall masts. His did his performances without any form of safety provisions. He performed all over Scandinavia and in the Olympics in Helsinki in 1952. Tell Teigen was engaged by the circus Ringling Brothers in the US. During a performance in 1958 he fell down from a high mast and was killed.

In 2001 a documentary was produced about the life of Tell Teigen.

I 2008 a memorial was erected in Høyanger made by Geir Hjetland.

Do you like swimming?
Enjoy Høyangerbadet. Indoor and- outdoor pool! :-)

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

V Gryy'f åaq - uøtg sbe ra pnpur - 2 zrgre Ybbx uvtu - 2 z

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)