Rain Traditional Cache
Size:  (small)
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A Madeira é conhecida pelo seu excelente clima mas na ilha há sempre um lugar onde está a chover.
Faz o teu log num sítio seco e fecha bem o container.
Madeira is known for its great climate but there is always a place where it is raining cats and dogs.
Do your log in a dry place and close the container properly.
FTF: xaninha620 / Dríade / Hugo Pita / Mendes&Freitas / JMRodriguez / RRV1982 |
STF: teamf2 |
TTF: ruben&alexandra / Elvio alpHa / escorcios / |
Additional Hints
Ubyr va gur jnyy, oruvaq gur jngresnyy
Ohenpb an cnerqr, ngeáf qn pnfpngn