Message In the Bottle - Lakes Michigan & Zbilje Traditional Cache
Message In the Bottle - Lakes Michigan & Zbilje
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SLO: Najti je treba modro steklenico, ki je priplavala z velikega severnoameriškega jezera Michigan in se ob visoki vodi zataknila na obali malega Zbiljskega jezera pri Medvodah.
ENG: You have to find a blue bottle that came from big North-American lake Michigan and stucked on the shore of the small lake Zbilje near Medvode, Slovenia.
SLO: Ideja se je porodila poleti 2012, ko sva bila s sorodniki iz Detroita na jezeru Lake Michigan. Pravzaprav smo hoteli pustiti to steklenico nekje ob čudoviti obali Sleeping Bear Dunes pri mestu Travers City, pa se ni izšlo. V steklenici je logbook z dovolj prostora, da lahko dopišete kakšno sporočilo. Ni izključeno, da bo čez nekaj let odpotovala tja od koder je prišla, tudi z vašimi sporočili.
ENG: The idea was born in Summer of 2012, when we spent some days with our relatives from Detroit at Lake Michigan in States. Actually we wanted to leave this bottle somewhere by marvellous Sleeping Bear Dunes near Traverse City. There is a logbook with enough room to write your own messages. It's quite possible that this bootle will travell back also with your messages.
Additional Hints
FYB: enmcbxn
RAT: perivpr