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Cepovan Traditional Cache

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miha03: The end

Hidden : 07/12/2013
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Geocache Description:

SLO: Zaklad v seriji Cepovanska dolina

ENG: Cach in a series of Cepovan Valley

SLO: Odmaknjena od nenehnega hitenja se v zavetju hribov skriva Čepovanska dolina, ki pritegne s svojo pristnostjo, lepo naravo, skritimi kotički in pričakovanjem, kaj sledi za naslednjim ovinkom. V osrčju doline nas pričaka razpotegnjena vas Čepovan. Ljudska etimologija izvor imena naselja povezuje s pitno vodo, ki je v nasprotju s sosednjimi kraji tu ne primanjkuje. O razburkani polpretekli zgodovini doline in naselja priča spomenik padlim avstrijskim vojakom v prvi svetovni vojni. Tudi druga vojna krajem ni prizanašala, saj je naselje zaradi okupatorjevega požiga skoraj v celoti zgrajeno po njej. Padlim v dolini so se poklonili s spomenikom v središču vasi, ki je delo akademskega kiparja Negovana Nemca. Kjer domačijam sodobna arhitektura ni prišla do živega, lahko nasledimo škofjeloško cerkljanski način gradnje hiš. Tako poslopja domačije pri Maražucu na Vratih pričajo o močni kmetiji v preteklosti. Pred leti, ko so prav tu posneli prizore za film Pesterna po literarni predlogi Franceta Bevka. Nad naslednjem bdi cerkev Sv. Janeza Krstnika, kjer je shranjena ena najstarejših in najlepših kopij svetogorske podobe. Precej živahno zna biti v Čepovanu »34.« avgusta, ko je poseben praznik z Gradovim semnjem. V noči od 2. na 3. septembra fantje poberejo vse mogoče predmete, ki jih najdejo okrog hiš in jih znesejo na sredo vasi. Ko ljudje prihajajo zjutraj iskat svojo šaro, imajo obilo zabave in znajo prav na ta račun povedati marsikatero duhovito. Poleg doline so vredni ogleda tudi okoliški vrhovi. Pri vzponu na Vrše ali Kobilico lahko prisluhnete orglanju vetra skozi gozd, se predate pomirjajočemu zelenilu razgibane pokrajine in uživate v vonju sveže nabranih gozdnih sadežev. Trud bo poplačan s čudovitim razgledom na Julijske Alpe in sosednje kraje.



ENG: Set aside from the constant rushing and hidden in the shelter of the surrounding hills there is the valley of Čepovan, an unique place for its genuineness, its beautiful nature, its hidden places, and we hardly look forward to see what is coming after next turn. In the heatr of the valley we are greeted by the elongated village of Čepovan. The etymology connects the origin of the name of this village to drinking water, since unlike the neighbouring localities Čepovan does not lack in water. The turbulent history of the valley and of the village is remembered by the monument erected of the memory of the Austrian soldiers who died during World War I. The localities hidden in this valley were also deeply affected by World War II. The occupier burnt down the mayor part of Čepovan which has been almost entirely reconstructed after World War II. In the centre of the village there is a war memorial, a piece of art by the sculptor Negovan Nemec, a homage paid to the fallen. Those homesteads which remain alien to modern architecture are still discernible for the construction style typical for the regions of Škofja Loka and Cerkno. The buildings pertaining to the house of Maražuc at Vrata testify that this used to be once a big farm. Years ago some sequences of the film Pestrna (Nursemaid) based on the novel by France Bevk were recorded there. The village is watched over by the church of Saint John the Baptist, situated above the village, where you can admire one of the oldest and the most beautiful copies of the picture of the Blessed Virgin of Sveta Gora. One of the liveliest days in Čepovan is the »34th« of August. On this occasion a special feast and the Grand´s fair are organized. During the night from the 2nd on the 3rd of September the boys take all posible objects found around the houses and gather them in the centre of the village. In the morning people come to take home their rubbish and have a lot of fun dropping very wise remarks. Not only the valley but also the surrounding peaks are worth to be seen. You can climb up to the hills of Vrše or Kobilica and you can listen to the symphony played by the wind when passing through the wood, you can admire the peaceful greenness of the picturesque landscape and smell the fragrance of fresh fruit plucked in the wood. Your efforts will all be repaid by the magnificent view on the Julian Alps and the nearby localities.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Mn qibwavz yvcbivz qerirfbz. Oruvaqr n qbhoyr yvzr gerr

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)