E7_SLO_12 Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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Ko ste našli enajsti cache, nadaljujte pot proti jugovzhodu naprej po asfaltni cesti, ki teče skozi gozd. Najprej pridete na čistino, nato mimo hiš in njiv, dokler na levi v gozdu spet poiščete nov zaklad. |
Once you found the 11th cache continue south-east on the paved road, leading through the forest. You will reach the clearing, than pass houses and fields, until you will finally search for the next cache on the left side of the path. |
Dvanajsti cache se nahaja levo v gozdu. |
The 12th cache is hidden in the forest on the left side of the road. |
Predlagamo: Pomagajte nam narediti trail bolj gost. Upoštevajte le naše osnovno označevanje in smer naraščanja številk (za primer, da postavite cache med številko 9 in 10: E7_SLO_9_vaš dodatek). Hvala! |
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