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GUP Tičnica 1 - Rožnik Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Nikrmana: As there's been some continuing issues with this cache I am archiving it. I'm also archiving it to keep it from continually showing up in search lists, and to prevent it from blocking other cache placements. If you wish to repair/replace the cache sometime in the future, just contact us (by email), and assuming it meets the guidelines, we'll be happy to unarchive it.

Hidden : 01/12/2014
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Gozdna učna pot Tičnica se začne na lepo urejenem okolju Rožnik ob ovinkastem klancu proti Legnu. Gozdna učna pot Tičnica zbližuje in povezuje ljudi z naravo in gozdom.

The Tičnica forest educational trail starts at the beautifully landscaped environment Rožnik near Legen. Wood nature trail Tičnica connects people with nature and the forest.

Prvi v seriji zakladkov na gozdni učni poti Tičnica se nahaja v parku Rožnik ob ovinkastem klancu proti Legnu. Pod sabo lahko vidite mesto Slovenj Gradec, ki ga kot mesto listina prvič omenja leta 1267 in je med najstarejšimi srednjeveškimi mesti na Slovenskem. V daljavi kipi prosti nebu mogočna Uršlja Gora (Plešivec) z nadmorsko višini 1996 m.

The first geocache in a Tičnica forest educational trail series is located in the park Rožnik beneath Legen plateau. Below you can see the town of Slovenj Gradec, which was first mentioned in 1267 and is one of the oldest medieval towns in Slovenia. In the distance you can see mighty Uršlja gora mountain (Plešiivec) with an elevation of 1996 m height.

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