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Oh No Not Again Multi-Cache

Hidden : 01/14/2014
2 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

We are replacing a cache similar to this one that we had near by,that was muggled. We got the idea for this type of a hide from  a cache that we found and enjoyed doing.  You will only find a log sheet so bring your own writting stick. If you find the log sheet in a dark one please place it in a light one or vise versa. 

The first stage of this cache is a mirco, hanging about 2 and 1/2 feet up and the final is marked as other and about 5 feet up. 

I hope you enjoy doing this one.

Pleas be careful where you park.

Contgratulations to 7TNT and Cache49 on there shared FTF. 

Additional Hints (No hints available.)