Da bi odkrili čim več lepot, so bile v slovenski Istri urejene številne peš in kolesarske poti, ki jih najdete na tej povezavi. Ena od njih je tudi P8 - Pot za srce in ožilje oz. Srčna pot, katere izhodišče je v Vanganelu in pelje skozi Marezige okoli jezera. Sledite lahko oznakam in peljale vas bodo mimo mesta, kjer se nahaja zaklad.
Vanganelsko jezero je nasatalo z zajezitvijo zaradi nevšečnosti s številnimi poplavami Bavškega potoka. Ta predstavlja enega od dotokov v akumulacijsko jezero, prav tako pa se vanj zliva voda poleti presihajočega potoka Morigla. V času, ko je več vode, lahko na potoku vidite tudi čudovit slap.
Izhodišče za izlet je lahko tudi na manjšem parkirišču v bližini jezera. Če se ne odločite za celotno pot P8, jo krajšajte. Tako boste okoli jezera prehodili dobre 4 km, lahko pa se do izhodišča vrnete po poti, od koder ste prišli. Pot je prevozna tudi z gorskim kolesom.
Brez skrbi. Ko boste prispeli v bližino lokacije, je ne boste mogli spregledati.
In order to discover as many beauties as Slovenian Istria can offer, a number of walking and cycling routes were made. You can find them on this website. One of them is called P8 - The Heart path, whose starting point is in the Vanganel village and leads trough Marezige village and around the Vanganel lake. You can follow the »heart« signs and they will take you to the place, where the treasure is located.
The Vanganel Lake was made because of the inconvenience due to flooding of Bavški stream. This is also one of the water inlets of the lake. Second inflow is a stream Moglia, which dries out during the summer, but when there is a lot of water, a beautiful Moglia waterfall can be seen.
The recommended starting point for the trip is a small parking lot near the main road by the lake. If you don’t decide to walk the whole P8 path, you can abbreviate it. This way the walk around the lake is only about 4 km long. You can also return to the starting point on the path where you came from. It is also possible to drive the route with mountain bike.
Don’t worry. You can’t miss the location of hidden treasure, when you will be nearby.
Manjše parkirišče ob glavni cesti in jezeru / Small car park near the main road by the lake
Pogled na mirno jezero / View on the peaceful lake
Markacije za Srčno pot / Markings for Heart way
Slap na potoku Morigla / Morigla waterfall
Potok prečka pot ali pot prečka potok? / The stream crosses the path or the trail crosses the stream?
Le kaj bi to lahko bilo? / What could that be?