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Jama pri svetih treh kraljih Traditional Cache

Hidden : 04/12/2014
3.5 out of 5
5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Ob cesti, ki vodi na Vrh Svetih Treh Kraljev je vhod v umetno izoblikovan vodoraven rov, ki prebije celoten Vrh.

Along the road that leads to the top of Vrh Svetih Treh Kraljev is the entrance to artificially shaped horizontal tunnel, which penetrate the entire summit.


Izkopan je bil v tridesetih letih v okviru izgradnje vojaške obrambne Rupnikove linije. Pri tem izkopu so naleteli na Jamo Svetih Treh Kraljev, ki je več kot kilometer dolg in 70 m globok splet manjših rovov. V jami najdemo aragonitne in heliktitne tvorbe.

Za vhod v jamo priporočam pohodniško obutev. GPS lahko pustite v avtu. Ven boste po vsej verjetnosti prišli blatni, saj je na nekaterih predelih po tleh voda. Potrebovali boste tudi svetilko. Ko ne veste kam bi šli, pojdite desno.


It was excavated in the thirties in the context of the construction of military defense Rupnik line. In this excavation they found the cave Sveti Trije Kralji, which is more than a kilometer long and 70 meters deep mix of small tunnels. In the cave you can found aragonite and heliktitne formation.

It's recommended to wear hiking footwear. You will most likely get muddy, because in some areas there is the water on the ground. You will also need a flashlight. When you do not know where to go, go right.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

An xbaph gharyn fr bqcer xenfra qna. Xb ifgbcvš cbq "arob", fgrtav ebxb. Cbtyrw fcbvyre. / Ng gur raq bs gur ghaary lbh pna frr fxl. Jura lbh ragre guvf cynpr, whfg envfr lbhe unaq. Frr fcbvyre.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)