Texas A&M Forest Service TB Hotel Traditional Cache
Texas A&M Forest Service TB Hotel
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Questions may be directed to jonesstateforest@tfs.tamu.edu. Located outside the main office entrance of Texas A&M Forest Service, Conroe District Office, Lock combination. Clue for combination: The Jones State "Forest" has almost 200,000 of these. They provide shade, clean air, help filter water runoff, habitat for wildlife and offer many more benefits. T _ _ _ S
NOTE: Jones State Forest is a daytime only facility. If you arrive and gates are locked use after-hours parking just one driveway past office parking. The property closes at dusk and reopens at dawn. Texas A&M Forest Service is a member of the Texas A&M University System since 1915. The William Goodrich Jones State Forest is one of only five state forests in Texas. Purchased in 1926 for education and demonstration, the 1,700 acres consists of East Texas Pineywoods forest type. Today the forest is an urban forest that has a visitation of over 80,000 per year. Many travel from all over the world to see the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker. Visitors enjoy hiking, biking, horseback riding and nature photography. William Goodrich Jones State Forest is home to the infamous Presidential Series of caches and several others. Located outside the main office entrance of Texas A&M Forest Service, Conroe District Office. Lock combination. Clue for combination: The Jones State Forest has almost 200,000 of these. They provide shade, clean air, help filter water runoff, habitat for wildlife and offer many more benefits. T _ _ _ S
Additional Hints
Ybpngrq bhgfvqr gur znva bssvpr ragenapr bs Grknf N&Z Sberfg Freivpr, Pbaebr Qvfgevpg Bssvpr, va n znvy obk ynoryrq Grknf N&Z Sberfg Freivpr Geniry Oht Ubgry.