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Creasta Pietrei Craiului - Varful La Om Traditional Cache

Hidden : 06/28/2014
2 out of 5
4.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

[RO] Creasta Pietrei Craiului - Varful La Om

Varful La Om (Piscul Baciului) (2238 m) este cel mai inalt punct de pe creasta masivului Piatra Craiului. Daca ai parte de vreme buna (de fapt conditie sinequanon pentru traseul de creasta) vei simti cum umbli pe acoperisul subtire al unui munte magic, in vreme ce la dreapta si la stanga ta stancile se pravalesc sute de metri catre domoalele paduri de la baza abruptului. Tufe parfumate de smardar (rododendron, sau bujor de munte), flori de colt si neastamparate capre negre pigmenteaza un peisaj idilic.

Geocache-ul este situat in apropierea varfului, cutia contine log, creion si diverse goodies pentru gasitori, poate adaposti trackables. (vezi spoiler - fotografia este facuta spre stalpul metalic din varf. Acopera cu pietre exact cum ai gasit.

Pentru a ajunge pe Varful La Om, ai mai multe variante:
- urmareste poteca de creasta marcata cu punct rosu daca vii dinspre zona Ascutit / Turnuri sau Creasta Sudica - refugiul Grind.
- poteca banda rosie daca vii dinspre refugiul Grind 2 (est)

Cele mai apropiate adaposturi sunt Refugiile Grind (pe creasta) la cca 15 minute si Grind 2, la cca. 1h. Calculeaza asadar cu atentie timpii necesari pentru atingerea acestui punct din creasta, nu uita sa iei cu tine provizii de apa pentru ca in creasta nu vei gasi!

Atentie: aceasta cutie se gaseste intr-o zona alpina izolata si presupune efort intens si experienta montana adecvata.

[EN] Piatra Craiului Ridge - La Om Peak

La Om Peak (Piscul Baciului) (2238 m) is the highest peak on the Piatra Craiului Ridge. If the weather is fine (actually an important condition for hiking the ridge) you will feel walking on the thin roof of a gorgeous mountain, as long as on both sides huge rocks are pitching hundreds of meters towards the forests at the base of the mountain. Perfumed rhododendron, edelweiss and chamois are only a few of the wonders you will meet in this magic landscape.

The box is hidden near the peak, it contains log, pencil and several goodies for finders, can also host trackables (see spoiler - photo has been taken from the La Om Peak - south). Cover with rocks exactly as you found it.

In order to reach La Om Peak, several options are possible:
- follow the red-dot marked trail if you come from Ascutit / Turnuri area or the South Ridge - Grind refuge.
- red strip trail if you come from Grind 2 refuge (east).

Closest shelters are Grind Refuge (on the ridge - 15 minutes) and Grind 2 Refuge, at about 1h hours hiking distance. Compute wisely the time needed to reach this point on the ridge, do not forget to get plenty of water because on the ridge there is no water source!

Warning: this box is located in highly alpine isolated area and it presumes intense effort and subsequent mountaineering experience.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[RO] npbcrevg ph cvrger, irmv fcbvyre ph cbmvgvn TCF [EN] pbirerq jvgu ebpxf, frr fcbvyre jvgu TCF cbfvgvba

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)