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Jama Mačkovica / Mačkovica cave Traditional Cache

Hidden : 10/12/2014
2.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:


Jama Mačkovica se nahaja na pobočju Planinskega polja, vzhodno od vasi Laze na cesti Rakek – Logatec. Dolžina jame je 807m(po nekaterih podatkih pa celo 1280m),  globina pa 45m.

Vhod v jamo je v spodmolu na severnem robu vrtače. Od tu se spušča skalnat vhodni rov, ki vodi do Male dvorane. Ta slovi po ponvicah, preko katerih se ob večjih poplavah Planinskega polja preliva voda in ustvarja miniaturne kaskade.

Iz te dvorane se nato proti severu rahlo dviguje kratek rov, ki pripelje do 150m dolge, od 16 do 48m široke ter 6 do 18m visoke Velike dvorane, ki ima prostornino 30.000 kubičnih metrov. Dno dvorane se spušča proti severu, kjer preide v Blatni rov (ime pove vse J ), ki se ob normalnih razmerah konča s sifonom, ob visoki vodi je pa poplavljen.

Mačkovica je znana po podzemnem živalstvu, še posebej kot najdišče slepega jamskega hrošča drobnovratnika (Leptodirus hohenwartii).

V kolikor se odpravljate v jamo, ne pozabite na primerno obutev, oblačilo pa tudi čelada ne bo odveč. Ogled jame pa vsekakor prilagodite svojim sposobnostim!,  ker se na določenih mestih rov precej zoži, pa tudi nevarnost zdrsa je kar velika.


Avto lahko parkirate na označenem parkirišču v vasi Laze, lahko pa tudi kje ob cesti, v kolikor je dovolj prostora. Na koncu vasi Laze, se v gozd odcepi pot, ki vas po približno 100m vzpona pripelje do vhoda v jamo.


Koordinate malce odstopajo, se pa zaklad skriva v spodmolu in sicer na desni strani, približno 5m v notranjost. Zaklad je 1l velika škatlica, v kateri se nahaja logbook, pisalo ter nekaj stvari za menjavo.




Mačkovica cave is located on the slopes of Planina field, east side of the village Laze, near the road Rakek – Logatec. Length of the cave is 807m (according to some sources even 1280m) and depth is 45m.

Entrance is in rock-shelter on the north edge of sinkhole. From here goes rocky passage, which leads to Small hall. In this Small hall, you can see the Ponvice (water filled hollow in limestone – limestone pool), when at the major floods in Planina field, water overflows this Ponvice and creates a miniature cascades.

Also from this Small hall rises slightly towards the north a short tunnel, that leads us to 150m long, from 16m to 28m wide and from 6m to 18m high Great hall. Its capacity is 30,000 cubic meters. Hall’s bottom descends to north, where passes in muddy tunnel, which under normal circumstances ended with a siphon. However, if it is a longer period of rainfall, it is flooded.

Mačkovica is famous for its underground fauna, especially as a habitat of blind cave beetle (Leptodirus hohenwartii).

If you want to go into the cave, do not forget for suitable footwear, clothes, helmet and lamps. Visit to the cave adjust to your abilities and skills! Because in specific location the tunnel narrows and as well as the risk of slipping is big.


You can park your car on marked parking area in the village Laze, or you can park your car along the road, as long as there is enough space. At the end of the village, the path branch off to the wood, which after approximatively 100m in a gentle slope brings you to the entrance of the cave.


Cache is hidden in the rock-shelter, on the right side, about 5m into the interior; because of that, the coordination can a little deviate.

Cache is 1l box, where you can find logbook, pen and a few stuff for trading.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

5z i abgenawbfgv, an qrfav fgenav / 5z sebz ragenapr, ba gur evtug fvqr

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)