[PT] Igreja de Santa Maria do Olival
Templo gótico de meados do século XIII construído no sítio da antiga igreja templária erguida por D. Gualdim.
O Panteão dos Mestres Templários foi sede de nullius diocesis com jurisdição sobre as igrejas dos Descobrimentos. A interessante estrutura espacial de três naves serviu de modelo à igreja de São João Baptista e a outras igrejas do gótico final português.
No exterior, destaca-se a magnífica rosácea, a torre de atalaia adaptada a campanário, e a loggia do século XVI; no interior, a lápide de Gualdim Pais, o túmulo de D. Diogo Pinheiro e as imagens Nossa Senhora do Leite e Santas Mães.
Inverno (Outubro a Abril): 10h às 13h – 14h às 18h - Terça-feira a Domingo
Verão (Maio a Setembro): 10h às 13h – 15h às 19h - Terça-feira a Domingo
Encerrada nos dias 1 de janeiro, 1 de maio e 25 de dezembro
A cache possui: Logbook, lápis, afiadeira e stashnote.
[EN] Santa Maria do Olival Church
Gothic temple from the mid 13th century built on the site of a former temple built by D. Gualdim Pais.
The Pantheon of the Masters of the Templars was the headquarters of the nullius diocesis with jurisdiction over the churches of the Discoveries. The interesting spatial structure with three naves served as a model for the São João Baptista church and other churches from the end of the Portuguese gothic period.
Outside, the magnificent rose window is noteworthy, the lookout tower converted into a bell tower and the 16th century loggia; inside, the tombstone of Gualdim Pais, the tomb of D. Diogo Pinheiro and the images of Our Lady of Milk and the Holy Mothers.
This Gothic church (13th century) was built as a burial ground for the Templar Knights. Gualdim Pais, the founder of the city, was buried in the church and his original tomb slab, dated from 1195 and bearing a gothic inscription, is still preserved inside.
Winter (October to April): 10h to 13h – 14h to 17h - Tuesday to Saturday
Summer (May to September): 10h to 13h – 14h to 18h - Tuesday to Saturday
Closed on public holidays: Jan. 1, May 1 and Dec. 25
The cache contains: Logbook, pencil, sharpener and stashnote.
[PT] Nota > Informação: Munícipio de Tomar; [EN] Note > Information: Municipality of Tomar.