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CITO WEEK 2016 Vi rydder Otetong Cache In Trash Out® Event

This cache has been archived.

Geocaching HQ Admin: Thank you for hosting this geocaching event. The date of this event has passed. In order to reduce confusion from inactive event listings, this event has been automatically archived. Event owners are encouraged to archive their events within 30 days after the event (Mega-/Giga-Events within 60 days). Attendees can still log archived events.

Hidden : Friday, 22 April 2016
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

Me rydder Otertong

I forbindelse med CITO-Week vil eg arrangere CITO-event på Otertong. Me møtes på oppgitte koordinater fresdag 22 .april 2016 kl.18:00 - 19:00. Den 16-24 april er tidsrommet for CITO-week 2016. Deltar du på et CITO-event, vil du få en souvenir. Eg har med søppelsekker og eingongsplasthanskar

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