GASP! There has been foul play afoot in NoVA!
This cache is the first in a series of – well, you’ll just have to wait and see now won’t you – designed to take you on an adventure as you help us solve the legen….wait for it….DARY crime spree and capture the murderer most foul.
You’ll have to keep an Eagle eye out for details, clues, and evidence as you Tour around NoVA figuring out which Big Nut was spilling Blood and Guts across the Region. There is quite a list of Unusual Suspects. As you man or woman your post listen carefully, put on your thinking NikCaps, beware the red herrings, honking geese, and the fleet of ghosts of the past.
Keep careful notes of what you learn – you’ll need to frequently check in with HQ to share info and get directions. Remember that you need to help District Attorney Jasmer build an air tight case – or the perps will walk.
Over the course of this series you will explore various evidence sites, chase leads and red herrings, determine the motive, find the weapon(s) used, get a warrant and arrest this dastardly deviant. As a detective it is your job, and your job alone, to determine what is real, what is a ruse, and deliver justice.
A detective’s job is never done, as they say Friday is just the start of a Liver’s work week. Any gumshoe worth his salt keeps a journal to jot down notes. Because the NoVAGO PD is a well-funded operation, we’ve provided a notebook for you below. No template can solve a case though – what else could be needed??
Take note of the clues, but DON'T take the clues, in each cache container. It will contain info needed to contact HQ and get your next assignment.
NOTICE: Cache placed with written permission from Fairfax County Park Authority. Please be respectful of the posted park hours. If you enter the park after hours you are trespassing. If you are stopped you can be ticketed or arrested and will put the future of geocaching in the parks in jeopardy |
You can check "Civil Dawn/Dusk" hours Here |