Geocache GC7CP2C previousely named "Roznhil" has been temporarily changed to "Tour de Slovenija 2025: Refreshment Station Maribor." This means it is a container for dropping off trackables participating in TB race 2025, which travels EXCLUSIVELY WITHIN SLOVENIA. But you can still drop your other TB's.
Povezava: Trenutno stanje dirkačev (se posodablja 1x tedensko)
Povezava: Pravila TB drike Tour the Slovenija 2025
Povezava: Seznam okrepnih postaj po Sloveniji
Najprej preberite opis, potem pa v log napišite vašo ljubezensko zgodbo iz tega parka ali pa katero drugo ljubezensko prigodo.
Mestni park je začelo urejati leta 1872 mariborsko Olepševalno društvo, predhodnik Hortikulturnega društva Maribor. Na območju srednjeveških ribnikov za napajanje vodnega jarka ob mestnem obzidju in drevoredu kostanjev, ki je povezoval mestni grad in marof barona Twickla, so najprej uredili zahodni del parka, zemljišče za zasaditev vzhodnega dela parka pa so morali najprej izsušiti. Konec 19. stoletja so zasadili Tomšičev in Kamniški drevored. Po prvi svetovni vojni so v društvu pred velikim ribnikom zgradili paviljon s čolnarno, garderobami in teraso. Čolnarjenje in drsanje na ribniku je bilo ukinjeno leta 1972, že slabi dve desetletji prej pa je bil v parku ustanovljen akvarij.
Posebnost parka je tudi umetno navoženi Rožni grič z dvema litoželeznima stebroma, ki sta ostanka mestne oljne ulične razsvetljave. Skozi park vodi sprehajalce široka promenada, ki je bila prvič osvetljena leta 1926. Rožni grič v Mestnem parku je od leta 1896 umetno narejen griček levo od promenade. Nastal je iz zemlje, ki so jo izkopali ob gradnji poslopja, kjer je zdaj sedež Pošte Slovenije.
Nedvomno v Mariborskem parku zasledimo tudi kontinuiteto zbiranja zaljubljencev vseh starosti. V anketi med Mariborčani so se vsi vprašani strinjali, da je park najbolj priljubljeno in primerno shajališče zaljubljencev in da so se v nekem obdobju svojega življenja z izbrancem ali izbranko sprehajali po parku in se ustavljali na izbranih lokacijah. Najljubša točka je seveda Rožni griček (Rosenhill), zato so ga včasih poimenovali hribček zaljubljencev. Že pred 2. svetovno vojno je bil priljubljena točka zmenkov, kamor so s svojimi dekleti prihajali vojaki, oficirji in drugi pari. Ena izmed anketirank je duhovito navedla, 'moj mož v šali Rožni griček imenuje sadna kupa'. Griček je danes na vrhu ograjen z železno okrasno ograjo in klopcami.
Z veseljem pa rečem, da je to tudi moj hrib, kamor nas je kot male otroke dedek vedno vozil na sprehod. Stanovali smo v Tomšičevem drevoredu in "Gremo v park do Roznhila", je bil njegov stavek. Tako Roznhil ostaja lep spomin iz mojega otroštva.
- LEX LOCALIS - REVIJA ZA LOKALNO SAMOUPRAVO Let. 7, št. 1, stran 47 - 65, Januar 2009
Please read the description first and then write your favourite love story in the log.
The city park began to be organized in 1872 by the Maribor Society, the predecessor of the Horticultural Society Maribor. The west part of the park was first arranged in the area of medieval ponds for watering the city walls. The other side park border connected the alley of the chestnut trees, which connected the city castle and the area of the baron Twickl. The land for planting the eastern part of the park had to dry out first. At the end of the 19th century, Tomšičeva and Kamniška Avenue were planted. After the First World War, a pavilion with boathouse, wardrobes and a terrace was built in front of a large pond. Boating and skating on the pond was forbidden in 1972. Already two decades ago aquarium was set up in the park.
The specialty of the park is an artificial hill named Rosenhill (Rožni hrib, Roznhil) with two cast iron columns, which are the remains of urban oil street lighting. Through the park, walkers walk through the wide promenade, first illuminated in 1926. A rowing hill in the City Park has been an artificial hill to the left of the promenade since 1896. It was created from a soil that was dug up for the building of the Post Office of Slovenia located in the centre of Maribor.
The Maribor Park is definitely the point of gathering lovers of all ages. In the survey among the citizens of Maribor, all the respondents agreed that the park is the most popular and appropriate place for lovers, and that during a certain period of their lives they walked through the park with a chosen person and stopped at selected locations. The favourite point, of course, is the Rosenhill, so it was sometimes called a hill of lovers. Even before the Second World War, it was a popular dating point where soldiers, officers and other couples came with their girls. One of the respondents wittily stated, 'My husband in the joke Rosenhill calls the fruit cup.' Today, the hill is enclosed with iron ornamental fences and benches on top.
I have to mention here that this is also my hill, where my grandfather has always been walking us as little children. We lived in Tomšičeva Avenue and "Let's go to the park to Rosenhill", was his sentence. So Rosenhill remains a beautifull memory of my childhood.
- LEX LOCALIS - REVIJA ZA LOKALNO SAMOUPRAVO Let. 7, št. 1, stran 47 - 65, Januar 2009