Zverjaščkova pot#1/The Gruffalo Child's way#1
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Zaklad: »Zverjaščkova pot« je serija 6 zakladov, ki vas bo popeljala na vrh Jošta, po nekoliko manj znani in manj obljudeni poti. Namenjena je mlajšim geolovcem za katere smo to pot tudi postavili. Idejni vodja poti je naš najmlajši geolovec, ki nas s svojo bujno domišljijo in razposajenostjo spodbuja k vedno novim dogodivščinam v naravi. Na dan, ko je zaklad objavljen (Dan Zemlje) praznuje svoj 4. rojstni dan. Pa vse najboljše mali geolovec! Zverjašček je navihana mala zverinica, ki ne posluša navodil svojega očeta. V temni, hladni noči se odplazi iz brloga, da poišče veliko zlobno miš. Na svoji raziskovalni poti sreča več gozdnih živali. Ste pripravljeni na dogodivščino? Preberite si spodnjo pesem. Morda boste izvedeli, kaj vse čaka malega Zverjaščka na njegovi gozdni dogodivščini. Mali Zverjašček se je na pot podal, da bi veliko grozno miško poiskal. Tisto, ki že nekoč, ko njega sploh še ni bilo, prestrašila njegovega je očka, Zverjasca, zelo močno. Za iskanje zbral je veliko iznajdljivosti in ves razum. V zbirki manjkal ni niti pogum. Ker nemir v srčku mu miru ni dal, odločil se je, ter na zanimivo pustolovščino se je podal. Po gozdu hodil je, ter previdno izbiral vsak korak, da na koncu on največji bil bi res junak. Na poti srečal številne je zveri, zverinice in živali, ki poprosil jih je, če pri tem iskanju bi mu pomagali. Zato le urno z njim podajte novim dogodivščinam se naproti, in naj nič lahkoten naj korak ne zmoti Srečno pri iskanju velike grozne miške in njene dobro skrite, gozdne hiške! (avtorji: FANovci) Sveti Jošt nad Kranjem (tudi samo Sv. Jošt ali Jošt) je vzpetina in naselje v Mestni občini Kranj ter priljubljena izletniška točka pohodnikov. Na vrhu 847 metrov visokega hriba se nahaja cerkev sv. Jošta, ki je zgrajena v baročnem slogu. Na Joštu so poleg cerkve še gostišče, Krekov dom, Finžgarjev dom, kapela Marije Snežne ter taborniški dom Puščava. Na Jošt je možen dostop iz Kranja po asfaltirani cesti skozi vasi Pševo in Javornik. Peš se je možno na vrh podati z različnih smeri (Stražišče, Pševo, Zabukovje, Rakovica, Besnica, Čepulje,...) Zgodovina: Na pobočju Jošta naj bi bile prve naselbine v času železne dobe, našli so tudi ostanke urejenih selišč. Sveti Jošt se prvič omenja leta 973 v darilni listini Otona II. freisinškim škofom, ki so obvladovali loško gospostvo. Med kranjsko in loško mestno upravo je prihajalo do sporov za pašne pravice na Joštu, ki si so ga lastili tako Kranjčani kot Ločani. Z daritvijo je tako Oton II. rešil spor in ozemlje je vse do leta 1803, ko je konec loškega gospostva, spadalo pod upravo freisinških škofov. Še pred letom 1600 so na Joštu postavili prvo gotsko cerkev, ki pa je bila manjša kot današnja. Okrog leta 1600 so cerkev prezidali, v času romanja na Jošt pa so temeljito predelali in barokizirali. Ob koncu 18. stoletja pa se je začel zaton šentjoške cerkve in leta 1786 so jo nameravali celo podreti. Vasi pod Joštom so istega leta zaprosile za samostojno duhovnijo pri sv. Joštu, a do ustanovitve ni prišlo. Vir: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveti_Jo%C5%A1t_nad_Kranjem Zanimivosti: Sv. Jošt nad Kranjem ima bogato božjepotno in romarsko zgodovino, od sredine prve polovice 20. stoletja pa je tudi prizorišče tradicionalnih delavskih prvomajskih praznovanj. Eno od njih, tisto iz leta 1977, ko je bil slavnostni govornik nihče drug kot Josip Broz Tito, je gori pustilo trajen pečat – asfaltirano cesto, ki se pne do vrha. Vrh 847 metrov visoke vzpetine, katere od daleč vidna silhueta dominira nad Sorškim poljem, stoji cerkev sv. Jošta. Na vrhu bomo ob vedrih dnevih nagrajeni s prelepim razgledom na bližnje Sorško polje in Ljubljansko kotlino, pa tudi na Škofjeloško hribovje, Karavanke in Julijske ter Kamniške Alpe. Ko je nebo umito, je mogoče uzreti tudi Snežnik. (vir: http://www.delo.si/druzba/panorama/z-delom-na-izlet-na-sv-jost-nad-kranjem.html) Dostop do izhodišča: Najprej se zapeljemo v Kranj (Labore), od tam pa nadaljujemo z vožnjo v smeri Stražišča, Pševa ter Svetega Jošta nad Kranjem. Višje pridemo do vasi Javornik, s katere se v desno odcepi cesta proti vrhu Jošta. Mi nadaljujemo naravnost v smeri vasi Čepulje. Ko pridemo Na Čepulje nadaljujemo desno (levo Planica in Lavtarski vrh) ter z vožnjo nadaljujemo še približno 100 m do označenega parkirišča. Opis poti: Na zahodni strani parkirišča opazimo oznake za Špičasti hrib in Sv. Mohor, ki nas usmerijo na vzpenjajočo se gozdno cesto, mi pa na začetku omenjene ceste nadaljujemo ostro desno, na pot, ki vodi proti Sv. Joštu (odcep k Sv. Joštu ni označen). Sprva se zmerno vzpnemo skozi pas gozda, nato pa, ko stopimo iz gozda, nas pot vodi zložno navzgor, ob desnem robu prostrane senožeti. Na drugi strani senožeti se nam z desne priključi še markirana pot, ki vodi s Planice proti Sv. Joštu, mi pa ji sledimo v levo ter nekaj korakov višje stopimo v gozd. V gozdu hitro prispemo na označeno razpotje, kjer nadaljujemo desno (levo Špičasti hrib in Sv. Mohor). Sledi kratko prečenje, nato pa se steza razširi v kolovoz, po katerem se spustimo do bližnjega vodovodnega objekta, od koder nadaljujemo naravnost v gozd. S stezice, ki vodi skozi gozd se hitro vzpnemo do asfaltne ceste, kateri sledimo v levo, po njej pa hodimo do prvega desnega ovinka, od tam pa naravnost na kolovoz. V nadaljevanju se najprej zložno vzpenjamo, nato pa za nekaj razpotji, kjer sledimo markacijam, še nekoliko bolj strmo. Strm vzpon prereže asfaltna cesta, ki vodi proti vrhu, mi pa nadaljujemo naravnost preko ceste, na pot, ki se nadaljuje preko vse bolj razglednega travnatega pobočja. Po nadaljnjem krajšem vzponu dosežemo Dom na Joštu, nekaj 10 korakov naprej pa še cerkev Sv. Jošta. (vir: hribi.net) Cache: "Gruffalo child's way" is a series of six treasures that will take you to the top of Jošt hill, after a slightly less known and less trapped path. It is intended for younger geocachers for whom we set this path. Our youngest geocacher is the premier guide of the way, which, with his lavish imagination and playfulness, encourages us to make new adventures in nature. On the day the treasure is published, (Day of the Earth), he celebrates his 4-th birthday. So, Happy birthday and all the best little geocacher!! Gruffalo's child is a bustling little wild animal who does not listen to his father's instructions. In a dark, cold night, he sneaks out of their lair to find a big evil mouse. He meets several forest animals on his research path. Read the introduction of The Gruffalo's child's story. Maybe you will find out what is ahead of you :) The Gruffalo said that: “No Gruffalo should ever set foot in the deep dark wood." "Why not?", asked the Gruffalo’s child. “Why not? If you do, a Big Bad Mouse will be after you I met him once ….” "Tell us dad, what does he look like? Is he terribly big and terribly bad?" “The big Bad Mouse is terribly strong, and his scaly tail is terrible long. His eyes are like balls of terrible fire, and his terrible whiskers are tuffer then wire.” (Source: Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler - The Gruffalo’s child) But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo's child disobeys her father's warnings and ventures out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist . . . does he? St. Jošt nad Kranjem (also St. Jošt or Jošt) is a hill and a settlement in the Municipality of Kranj and a popular hiking destination for hikers. At the top of the 847 meters high hill there is the church of St. Jošt, built in the Baroque style. In addition to the church, there are also the inn, Krekov home, Finžgar's home, the chapel of Mary the Snow and the scouts’ home. Jošt can be access from Kranj along the asphalt road through the villages of Pševo and Javornik. It is possible to reach the peak from different directions (Stražišče, Pševo, Zabukovje, Rakovica, Besnica, Čepulje ...) History On the slopes of Jošt are supposed to be the first settlements of the Iron Age, and the remains of well-preserved places were also found. St. Jošt was first mentioned in 973 in the gift of Otton II. the Friars of Bishop of Freising, who controlled the Loka area. Among the Carniolan and Loka city administrations, there were disputes for grazing rights on Jost, which were owned both by the. Oton II settled the dispute by giving the rights to Bishops of Freising and the territory was part of the administration of Freising Bishops until 1803, when the Loka lordship ended. Even before 1600, the first Gothic church was set up on Jošt, which was smaller than today's. Around 1600, the church was rebuilt, and during the time thoroughly turned to baroque style. At the end of the 18th century, the Shanty's church began to decline, and in 1786 it was even intended to undermine it. Source: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveti_Jo%C5%A1t_nad_Kranjem Trivia: Sv. Jošt above Kranj has a rich divine and pilgrimage history, and since the middle of the first half of the 20-th century, it is also the site of traditional International workers day celebrations on the 1-st of May. One of them, the one from 1977, when noble speaker was nobody other than Josip Broz Tito, left a permanent seal on the hill - an asphalt road that climbs to the top. The summit of 847 meters high elevation, of which from the far visible silhouette dominates the Sorško field, stands the church of St. Jošta. At the top we will be rewarded on the sunny days with a beautiful view of the nearby Sorsko field and the Ljubljana Basin, as well as the the Škofja Loka hills, the Karawanks and the Julian Alps and the Kamnik -Savinja Alps. When the sky is clear Snežnik can also be seen. Source: http://www.delo.si/druzba/panorama/z-delom-na-izlet-na-sv-jost-nad-kranjem.html Access to the starting point: First, we drive to Kranj (Labore), and from there we continue our journey in the direction of Stražišče, Pševo and St. Jošt nad Kranjem. The higher we reach the village Javornik, from which the road to the right leads to the top of Jošta. We continue straight in the direction of the village of Čepulje. When we come to Čepulje we continue to the right (left Planica and Lavtarski vrh) and continue driving another 100 m to the marked parking lot. Route description: On the west side of the parking lot we see the signs for Špičasti hrib and Sv. Mohor, which directs us to the uphill forest road, and at the beginning of the mentioned road we continue to the right, on the path that leads towards Sv. Jošt (no turning to St. Jošt is marked). At first, we rise upwardly through the forest belt, and then, when we step out of the forest, the path leads us upwards, along the right edge grassy slope. On the other side, the right path connects with the right path, which leads from Planica to Sv. Jošt, we follow it to the left and step a few steps higher into the forest. In the woods we quickly arrive at the marked crossroads, where we continue to the right (left Špičasti hrib and St. Mohor). Followed by a short crossing, then the path extends into wider road, after which we descend to the nearby water catchment, from where we continue straight into the forest. After a few meters we arrive to the asphalt road, which we follow to the left. When you arrive to the first right bend continue straight ahead forward - the wider path. The path from here on is suitable for young hikers. At the end, of our path cuts the asphalt road leading to the top. From here you’ll be able to see Home on Jošt where you can compensate your loss of energy in a good restaurant. (source:hribi.net)
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Iryvx, mryra xhc znuh /n ovt cvyr bs terra zbff