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Vista do Rei - king's View [Açores] Virtual Cache

Hidden : 06/04/2019
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   virtual (virtual)

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Geocache Description:

Vista do Rei - king's View [Açores]

Este ponto é um classico dos postais que marcam os Açores e em particular a ilha de São Miguel.


Lembramos este local todo o ano e sempre que pensamos nesta bela ilha.


Queremos que ao fazer esta cache virtual este ponto fique tambem na vossa memória!


Para poderem validar o vosso "Found" terão de juntar ao log uma foto da vista com algo escrito com o vosso "nickname" de geocaching.


Infelizmente é comum haver nevoeiro por aqui, impossibilitando de desfrutar completamente do local, no entanto nem tudo fica perdido, usem a mesma folha com o "nick" mas tirem a foto com o marco que tem a seguinte inscrição "Que a Paz prevaleça no Mundo".


Adicionem as fotos ao vosso log, todos os logs que não cumpram os requesitos seram apagados.


Obrigado pelas visitas!


This waypoint is a classic of the postcards that mark the Azores and in particular the São Miguel island.


We remember this place during all year and whenever we think about this beautiful island.


We would like that when you do the virtual cache, this mark also stays in your memory!


In order to validate your "Found", you have to add to the log a photo of the view, along with something containing your geocaching nickname written on it.


Unfortunately, it is common to have fog here, making it impossible to fully enjoy the place. However not everything is lost… use the same paper with your "nickname", but take the photo with the mark that has the following inscription: "Que a Paz prevaleça no Mundo".


Add the photos to your log. Logs that do not meet the requirements will be deleted.


Thanks for your visit!


This page was generated by Geocaching Portugal Listing Generator

Virtual Rewards 2.0 - 2019/2020

This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between June 4, 2019 and June 4, 2020. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 2.0 on the Geocaching Blog.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)