Lead Mtn. Golden Cache Traditional Cache
Team Dakota & Cheyenne: Cache has been relocated and renamed.
Size:  (regular)
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There’s a gold mine on Lead Mountain, or so the book of Lost Treasure claims. Me and other members of my extended pack have tried over the years to find it, alas to no avail. So, I thought I’d create my own Golden Treasure Chest and leave it on Lead Mountain for you fellow Treasure hunters and geocachers to find.
I collected various treasures for my chest which I hope you find useful or fun. They Include:
· Momma Quackers Travel Bug
· Pair of Halloween Socks
· Jonel Nail File
· Container of Lubriderm Lotion
· 4 Pack of 10 Inch Bungee Cords
· 24 Pack of Crayola Crayons
· Blistex Lip Medex
· A Small Photo Album
· Audi TT Roadster
· RugRats Stickers
· 6 Pack of Size 4 Snelled Fish Hooks
· 5 Pack of Dice
· Eye Glass Repair Kit
· Buzzy the KeyChain ( Would Make A great Travel Bug)
"How To Get to the Lead Mtn Golden Cache"
The cache is located on the top of Lead Mountain, which is located in Hancock County Maine. An access road to the mountain can be found just west of Beddington Maine off of Route 9. So
1. Walk, Fly Drive, Hop, Skip or Jump your way to N 44° 50.496 W 068° 04.313 on Route 9.
2. At this waypoint you will find a Dirt/Gravel Road with a “CC Road” road sign. There will also be a Main Forest Service Sign About 50 feet off of Route 9 down the CC road. (Turn is a Left if traveling East on 9 )
3. Travel down the CC road about a Tenth of a mile and make a left onto the 30-43-0 road. (N 44° 50.618 W 068° 04.327)
4. A parking area is located 1.7 miles down the 30-43-0 road. (N 44° 51.471 W 068° 05.877)
5. From the parking lot to the top of the mountain is .75 miles (as the crows fly). Just walk up the Old access road.
6. At N 44° 51.574 W 068° 06.214 the Old access road up the mountain Ys. Bear to the right!
7. Now just Hike! You will find loose gravel, slippery granite, dirt trail and elevation. You’ve made it to the top when you reach N 44° 51.869 W 068° 06.606
"Things to see and do along the way"
1. At 1.2 miles in on 30-43-0 road, you will pass by Bear Pond. This picturesque small lake is located 50 yards into the woods on your left. You could catch a glimpse of Bear or Moose depending on the time of day.
2. While hiking up the mountain you will find Black Berries, Blue Berries, Wild flowers and some interesting granite.
3. If you head left at the Y, you will find a University of Maine Acid Rain Research facility about a tenth of a mile up. Feel free to look; but, don’t touch. This is an active facility.
4. While hiking up the mountain you will pass an old ranger station complete with Shed and Out House.
5. The top of Lead Mountain is marked with a Survey Reference marker.
6. A view from the top of the mountain can be reached at N 44° 51.840 W 068° 06.598
7. At the scenic point in #6 you will find a good amount of rock carvings on the granite you are standing on. These carvings are left over from early travelers to the top of Lead Mountain. The earliest date I found was 1890. There is also another Geo Marker here.
8.After GeoCaching, Be sure to stop at the Airline Snack bar on Route 9 West for a piece of Lois’s Homemade Pie.
Words of Warning!!!
1. The path to the top of the mountain is rugged and can be slippery. Wear appropriate hiking gear and bring water.
2. Bear Pond is called Bear Pond for a reason.
3. Look; but, don’t touch any of the Research equipment you find on the mountain.
Most Important of all: Have Fun!
Additional Hints
Sebz gur fpravp cbvag, vafgrnq bs ybbxvat bhg vagb gur inyyrl, ybbx qbja gb jurer gur tebhaq fybcrf bss. Ybbx sbe gjb byq ebggvat cvar gerrf gung unir snyyra gbtrgure. Gur gjb gerrf pbzr gbtrgure ba gur pbeare bs n ynetr ebpx. Gurer vf n tnc orgjrra guvf ebpx naq n ebpx ybpngrq fyvtugyl hc uvyy. N ynetr cvrpr bs ebggvat jbbq sebz nabgure gerr pbiref gur tnc orgjrra gur ebpxf. Erzbivat gur cvrpr bs jbbq jvyy erirny gur pnpur. Or Fher gb ercynpr gur ynetr cvrpr bs jbbq.