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Leesburg Hidden Art #1: Discover the Charm Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

hrothroc: I have decided to archive this cache. The original hide was a bike reflector attached to a sign post, which could swivel open to reveal the log paper. When the town took away the sign post, I moved it to a concrete parking guard. A short piece of rebar with a bison tube attached was slipped down into one of the empty holes. Sadly, the ground opened up and tried to swallow the cache. The rebar and bison were retrieved with a magnet tool, but the bison was really stuck down in there. It wasn't feasible to replace it in the same way. The last incarnation was a tiny container hanging on a bit of fishing line tied to the telephone pole. The container went missing. As the universe is trying to tell me something, I will give up trying to place a cache at this location.

Hidden : 08/01/2019
3 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Inspired by the DC Hidden Murals caches, these are the hidden murals of Leesburg.

Created by the artistic genius at Sagetopia Graphic Design Agency, “Discover the Charm” mural was dedicated in August 2017.

The mural was inspired by the landmarks and people that visitors come to Leesburg to see. Look for fireworks, W&OD trail, musical scenes from First Fridays, haunted house tours, and lots of local shops and restaurants.

This project was sponsored by Friends of Leesburg Public Arts, the Leesburg Commission on Public Art, and Lowes.


Parking here (for free) will put you where you need to be for a walking tour of some of the town’s other geocaches. As usual with these hides, please use stealth, replace just as found, and don’t forget your writing utensil — enjoy!

Room for log only. BYOP. No SWAG items please.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)