On the First Day of Christmas, mrGreen317 hid for me, a two-stage multi starting at an evergreen tree!
Welcome to the Twelve Multi(cache)s of Christmas (12 MoC). Each cache is a simple two-stage multi leading to a small-sized latching box in one of our fine PA state game lands (SGL).
While the retailers are packing away the Christmas wares for 2019, the traditional Christmas season actually runs from December 25 through January 5, the "Twelve Days of Christmas". Here are some multi-caches hidden for the "Twelve Multis of Christmas" to grab this Christmas season or any other time of the year when geocaching is on the day's agenda.
For this cache series, be sure to note both the design on the stage one item as well as a printed code on the final stage logbook. These notes may come in handy for a future cache to be published.
This cache location is designed to provide a short hike "past the gate". The ground is mostly level, and the two stages are within 300 feet of each other, just off the SGL road/path. Parking is suggested just across Long Road from the 2017 12 Gates of Christmas, Day 8, GC7GD5N cache. Please be sure not to block a gate or the SGL road on the other side with your vehicle. There is ample pull-off space on the other side of Long Road without blocking anything. In winter road conditions, please know the capabilities of your vehicle and use all necessary caution when parking within SGL.
Vegetation Note: Since these caches are hidden in SGL in the non-growing months, it is always possible that access may get more challenging during late spring and summer growth seasons. When considering hide locations, an attempt was made to minimize this potential issue as much as possible, but when searching in the late spring or summer, just keep this in mind. Good, sturdy hiking footwear and possibly long pants (not shorts) are a good suggestion. Always be on the lookout for wild animals and ticks in the game lands.
This cache is located in state game lands, so PLEASE observe all state game land rules and wear orange during hunting seasons. During the primary hunting season, finding this cache is recommended on Sunday only.
Series Information of Note
- Each of the Twelve Multi-caches should have a stage one ornament hanging on a tree or similar object at the posted coordinates. To find stage two/final, replace the decimal portion of the north and west minutes with what you see affixed to the ornament at stage one. (See below for an example with this cache.)
- Each stage one has the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8 incorporated into the ornament hanging wire, but "SIX" or "NINE" will be spelled out in letters to avoid confusion should the digit of a '6' or '9' be turned around, in which case it would be hard to know which is the correct number. At any given stage one, a '1' could look like the "I" in "SIX" or "NINE", but in each case, it should be obvious when there is an "I" or a "1" based on context.
- The log book in each final stage will have a code word, something that might relate with Christmas traditions. You will want to make a note of both the ornament design at stage one and this code word in stage two to get you the needed information for a future "final" geocache.
- FTF on each series cache: There is a small ornament for FTF that either matches stage one's ornament or is somehow thematically connected to it. Since not all FTF gifts exactly match the stage one ornaments, it is suggested that FTF cachers make note of the stage one ornaments for their records if seeking the series "final" cache. FTF will also have a different code word labeled on the FTF gift bag, a code that is different from the cache final's code word. This code is unique to the FTF gift and can be used to claim other additional prizes at the conclusion of the 12-days series. More information will be forthcoming.
Example for solving to stage two: For this cache, the posted coordinates for stage one is at: N 40 40.288' W 78 34.830', so to find the stage two, you would assume N 40 40.??? and W 078 34.???. To fill in the question marks, look for some numerical information at stage one, something that would give you three numbers to go with north and three numbers to go with west to replace those '?' in the previous coordinate formula.
A congratulations on FTF goes to MrBee&WillowTree . Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas from the Green-Hippo household!
(mrGreen317, Sage-Hippo, and littleEEE)