Logging Tasks 登錄任務
1. Observe the sound and its environment. Will the sound still occur if the base rock is not basalt? Explain your answer. 觀察聲音和環境。請問如果岩體不是玄武岩,還會不會發出聲音? 解釋你的答案。
Identify the crack which is with the sound, and make some prediction with the knowledge on the listing page and observation the structure of formation at the spot. 找到發出聲音的裂縫,依據地質寶頁面中的知識、依據對岩體結構的觀察,試著做點預測。
2. Describe the length and width of the crack. Is the crack's area related to the sound? Can you interpret the relation? 請問裂縫的長度與寬度?裂縫地面積跟聲響有關嗎?試著解釋關聯。
3. How will the sound change in the future at Shanshuei Cave? Keep steady? Louder? Turn a longer/shorter sound? More sounds nearby? Silence? Explain your observation and prediction. 請問山水吼洞的聲音未來會如何變化?穩定持續?變大聲?聲音拉長或縮短? 解釋你的觀察和預測。
4. When the sound is louder in a day? Explain your thoughts. 請問一天中什麼時間聲音比較大? 解釋你的想法。
5. Explore the area and find the source of sound. Photo the howling cave with you, your identity items, or your GPS device. 請與聲音的來源拍照,照片包含吼洞與你、你的代表物、或GPS拍照。
Earthcache nowadays provides learning opportunities about geology on earth by observing the posted coordinaiton, reading the listing page, and searching/brainstorming the answers to task. You don't need waiting the approval. Log this cache "Found it" and send me your suggested answers either via Message Center. Remember, log without answers will be deleted by the geocaching guideline. Please, do not post your suggesting answers in the log except logging task 5. Hope you like this earthcache and favorite points appreciated. 地質寶提供學習機會,透過觀察公布點、閱讀地質寶頁面、搜索/腦力激盪登錄任務的答案,讓尋寶玩家瞭解發生在地球上的地質現象。你不需要等待許可,請直接線上登錄這個地質寶,並將推測的答案寄到Geocaching.com的信箱。記得,沒有答案的線上登錄會依地理尋寶守則刪除。除了登錄任務5,請不要在log中公布你的答案。希望你喜歡這個地質寶,歡迎給予FP,有任何問題請寄送訊息。

Welcome to Penghu, Taiwan. Thanks for visiting this earthcache. There is an amazingly beautiful beach, Shanshuei Beach. Recommended to you.

Shanshuei Cave
Shanshuei Cave is a sea cave with unique feature. It makes sound!
Shanshuei was used to be called “Zhū mǔ shuǐ” which meant female pig water. One of the origin was told that there is a cave on the rock hill resembling female pig’s nose and making sounds while terrible weather. From the folk story, there has been with strange sound at the rock hill for a long while.
Here, let an earthcache in to elaborate how the strange sound occurred.


Public Transportation 大眾交通工具
黃線 - 山水線
黃線 - 風櫃線